Chapter 35: Is This It?

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It's been 3 days since we got home, also since Michael left for Australia. Things had been happening especially with Chace, he had been more distant lately. He only had spoken to me in few words, he's been cutting classes and I haven't even seen him longer than 3 minutes.

"Where's Chace?" I asked one of his friends.

"Frankly, I haven't seen him in 2 days now." He said.

"You have Calculus with him right?"

"He hasn't been in class too"

"Oh okay, thanks" I went to ask his other friends but all were just the same.

What is happening?


I kept on tapping my pen on my table waiting for the bell. As it rang I fastly run towards the door and out. I still haven't found Chace and be was still out of reach.

"Anything?" I ask Maggie as I pass by her.

"Nothing yet." She shook her head apologetically. "Where are you going?"

"Home maybe wasn't just feeling well and didn't come to school." I rapidly went out of the halls but then as I walked out I saw Megan getting inside Chace's car. She probably has seen me that's why she smirked.

What is he doing?

I tried to catch up with them but didn't make it in time. It feels like the world was slowly crashing straight to my face.


I waited and waited and waited. It's already 2:30 in the morning, I can't sleep for I don't know what to think anymore, all the different scenarios were already thought about and all I wanted was for him to explain everything to me.

I keep on turning on my bed, checking the time. He hasn't come still. Then not long after his bedroom light went on, I immediately climb and barged into his room.

"What the hell?!" He was startled.

"I should be the one to ask you that." Closing the window. "What the hell?!" I shouted.

"I'm tired Cassie, can we just talk about it next time" he slams himself boredly on his bed.

"Are you drunk?"


"A party on a School day? It's already morning and you've just got in, wow! Where was this party? I've been texting and calling you all day but your phone was always out of reach. You should be studying not partying. What is going o-"

"SHUT UP!!! FUCKING SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!" He yelled out standing up. My eyes widen as I froze in my position from his expression, I felt like it's the first time I've seen him like this.

"Cha-ace" I mumbled in shock.

"I'm so sick! So sick!" He kicks his bedside in frustration.

"Sick of what? Me?" As the tears beginning to build out.

"I feel like I'm dating my mom when I'm around you, it feels like I'm choking in this relationship." He runs his finger through his hair frustratingly.

"I'm sorry that you felt that way but I only did what I did because I care about you." I tried to touch his hands but he jerks it away.

"I think it's just because I don't love you anymore." It all sounded like a loud thunder and at the same time feels like a bullet was shot through my chest straight to my heart.

"You don't love me?" The tears finally rolled down my cheeks.

"I guess"

"Maybe you just need time to think things through." I caress his face, begging him to not leave me.

"It's much better if we should just break up.'' He took my handoff.

"What? No!"

"But we can still be f-"

"Don't you dare say friends!" I pushed him away "You promised me that you won't break my heart, you promised to never leave."


"Now you're telling me you don't love me anymore? What? is it because of sex?" I was unbuttoning my pajamas. "I'll give it to you."

"No." He stops me.

"Is it because I'm not hot enough, pretty enough or maybe smart enough?"


"THEN WHAT?!" I was crying like I'm about to lose my breath.

"It's just that"

"Oh okay. I get it now." I nodded wiping my tears. "Is it because of Megan?"


"I saw you with her leaving earlier from school, is it because of her?"

"It is never because of her and it will never be her." He irritatedly scratched his head.

"Then what is it? Make me understand?"

"It's me! ME!" He pointed to himself "I'm the problem."

"I'll help you solve it."

"No! Cassie. You can't."

"I'll try harder."

"Though I wanted it to be true this time it seems it can't be solved."

"That's why you're just cowardly giving up on us? On me?" He didn't say a word."Fine!" I held my hand up in surrender "Let's break up, I am so fucking done. If you don't love me anymore then I'll just find a way to unlove you." My heart was breaking into multiple pieces, I went to open the window. "Just remember this Chace, you just lost someone who was willing to love you unconditionally. Goodbye Batman." I quickly went back to my room. I locked my window and crashed into my bed sobbing and crying for my unfortunate life.

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