Chapter 38: Bruises and Tears

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I haven't seen Chace in school, I didn't even bother to check on him by his room window. It's been almost 2 weeks.

"Hey Cutie!" Dawson yelled out from afar. I waved back at him. "Wait a second." He said finishing his talk with a teammate. I just nodded in response.

Dawson and I grew closer as we hang out more often, he's been such a good company that when I'm with him Chace seems to be nonexisting.

"Hi!" Poking my side making me yelp.

"Gosh!" As I slap his arm lightly. "You know I hate it when you do that."

"Right, I know and that's why I do it" again poking my side as he laughs.

"Jerk!" I roll my eyes at him.

"The most lovable one out there." He poses with his chin resting on his two palms, smiling widely.

"You wish to be" blowing him off.

"Can't you still admit it?"

"Admit what?" Crossing my arms.

"1- I'm lovable, 2 - I'm friendly and don't forget that I'm perfectly perfect in every way." Wiggling his brow.

"Nobody's perfect Dawson" I reminded him.

"Well then, almost perfect." He corrects.

"Why not describe yourself as narcissistic?"

"You really don't know what the word joke means right?" Evilly smirking.

"I'm not trying to joke, I'm telling the truth." Sticking my tongue out at him.

"Yeah, yeah." Waving my hand nonchalantly in his cockiness. "Whatever."

"Come on, say it" he's so stubborn

"Say what?"

"Say it" He demands. I shook my head and turned to face my back at him as I did in my surprise I saw Chace. I instantly notice the bruises on his face, he even seems thinner than before. Had he went on fighting this whole time? He somehow looked my way and caught me staring. His lively eyes now we're gone, all I can see was emptiness.

"Hey." Our gaze was broken off by Dawson, I faced him. As Chace walked by me, a light breeze of coldness touched my skin making me shiver. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Dawson snapping a finger pulling me away from my deep thoughts. "Cassie? " I looked at him. "You okay?"

I just couldn't help myself care, I needed to go to him. "Sorry, I need to go." I came running to where Chace went, into an empty room I saw him sitting by the window. As I was sucking my breath, gaining my strength to open the door to go to him, I'll swallow my pride just to make sure he's alright. I was about to open the door when I saw Megan sat on a chair opposite to him, he took her hand and kissed her. I immediately looked away. It felt like my heart was being ripped out from my chest, tears came falling quickly. It still hurts. I know I don't have the right to feel hurt anymore for we ended things long before, but the pain still was fresh in feeling and memory. Though it was my stupidity that I was still willing to go back to him but Seeing him with her was maybe the confirmation I was waiting to finally let him go.

I walked away from the scene with the realization that Chace and I could never be again.


"Good News!" Pheobe sitting by our table with a wide grin on her lips.

"What is it?" Amy excitedly ask.

"Our senior trip is in 3 days, right? And I heard the Principal talking in the hall with one of the administrating staff that we are going to spend the whole weekend on a beach." She was clapping like a five-year-old kid.

"Woah? That's great!" Amy also couldn't wait for it.

"We should all have a room together" Maggie said.

"And we'll go wild and forget all our boy problems and just have fun!" Amy enthusiastically said. And we all agreed.

"I'm bringing my hottest bikini and I'm gonna burn them boys' eyes and make them drool over me." Amy with her thinking.

"Confidence" My jaw playfully dropped.

"You too should flaunt that bod and make that asshole regret breaking up with you." She was referring to Chace.

"Amy." Maggie trying to stop Amy.

"What? I'm just stating a fact." She flips her hair.

"It's fine." I gave a smile to Maggie.

"See! That's the attitude." She gave blew me a kiss.

"Woaaaahhh. I'm so excited!" Pheobe held her arms up.

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