Chapter 14: Rumor Has It

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I entered Mr. Jenkin's class, I saw Chace sitting in a chair next to my seat. I sat down ignoring his constant psst. He kicked my chair so that he can get a reaction.

"What now Chace?" I ask lazily resting my chin on my palm

"Hi" he said with a smirk, I roll my eyes and put out my notebook from my bag. He kicked my chair again "Hello"

"Hi" I forced a smile

"You still mad about last time that I didn't kiss you" Now I kicked his chair

"Someone might hear you and think that it's true" Looking nearby if someone might have heard him

"It is true" He rubs his lower lip with his thumb

"It wasn't! I told you I closed my eyes for I don't want to see your ugly face"

"This?" He pointed on his face

"Yes!" I nodded

"Really?" He leaned close to me, my heart suddenly beats fast


"You're stuttering" he smirks "Do I make you that nervous?" He moved in more closer "Cassie" he touches my chin

"Ehem Wayne and Collins" Mr. Jenkin said, making me and Chace fix our sitting "This class is for learning, not flirting" I am totally feeling so embarrassed plus I can feel my cheeks heat up.


I was thinking about how Chace made me feel something, like something.

Am I having a crush on the douche? Impossible!

"Why would I even have a crush on the guy? he's not even cute, well fine he is but with his attitude his zero to me" I muttered to myself

"Are you talking to yourself?" Pheobe sitting next to me

"I'm just starting to count for the groupings" I lied, don't want her to know I'm somehow confused little with my emotion

"Okay!" She scoots next to me and putting her legs over mine

"WTF!" Amy said slapping my arm as she sat down next to me on P.E

"Ouch!" Rubbing the arm she just hit

"Why is it?" Pheobe asked

"She was making out with Chace on Mr. Jenkin's class?" She looks directly on my eyes

"Where did you heard that rumor?" My eyes widen

"It isn't a rumor when it came out from a teacher's mouth" she answers "so you did?"

"Of course not! I will never make out with Chace intentionally, I'm not an idiot" I diverted my gaze to Mr. Decker our P.E teacher

"You are an idiot if you don't want to make out with Chace!" She flung her arms on the side in frustration "Cass, why don't you just date him already!" She now has her hand on both my arms making me look at her

"No Amy, that's absurd"

"Why? Why? If you are thinking about the 3 of us, we totally ship you guys. CHASSIE FOREVER!" she sounded like an annoying cheerleader

"I ship it!" Pheobe joining in with Amy

"You too? No!" I shook my head looking at Pheobe

"You are so difficult" Amy complaints

"Yep!" I nodded

"Tell me this Cass" Pheobe being serious "Do you like him?"

"No!" I firmly said

"Do you maybe have a crush on him?" She asked

"No" it sounded confused than straight

"Not even a bit attracted to him?" Amy asked pointing at Chace as he entered the Gym, I followed him as he had settled in his seat "Yes?"

"Fine! It's a maybe" I finally admitted

"Yes!" Amy being overly dramatic as always shouted: "I'm so happy for you!" Her squeezing me into a hug

"I said maybe Amy, not yes" I said as I struggle from her tight hug

"But it's an achievement" Pheobe also happy

"How can it be an achievement?" I'm confused

"Honey, you only felt pure hatred towards him and now maybe you like him" Amy squealing

"I don't understand why I am even friends with you Amy" I facepalm myself "Even though that I might be a little attracted to him, I still hate him" I really still do

"Whatever you say" Amy said, Pheobe high fiving her

"Whatever!" I roll my eyes at them, and my eyes landed on Chace's who was talking to some of his friends. He was smiling and laughing, it's making my heart pound quickly again.

This is not happening to me

Mr. Decker our gym teacher started to pair the class in my luck, I got Chace as a partner.

"Cathy!" He ruffles my hair, ruining my ponytail

"Jerk!" I yank his hand away

"You look so cute when your mad" he pinches both my cheeks

"Get your filthy hands off!" I slap his hands

"Love birds! Get your head in the game" Mr. Decker said getting our attention, everyone is whispering again. Oh, the rumors will totally pile up after this.

"I hate you!" I mouthed to Chace

"I hate you too!" He said with a wink

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