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Hi, my name's Imogen Prewett. I have three older siblings, Molly, Fabian and Gideon. Them and my mum and dad are the only ones who know why I don't talk, or interact with people much.

When I was little, I was bitten and changed into a vampire, St. Mungos did everything they could to help me but I still have to feed off blood once a month. I guess I'm only really a little bit vampire.

Before I was bitten I had the cruciatus curse used on me so much that I apparently sustained 'deep mental issues'. I think I'm ok though.

I don't drink human blood, I feed off animals from the dark forest, definitely not unicorns though.

I'm 5'3 and I usually wear glasses but I prefer contacts.

My favourite subject is herbology, probably because I find it quite calm and peaceful most of the time.

My wand is 9" oak with unicorn hair.

My patrons is a mini dragon, he's cute, I call him Alfie.

Anyway, that's enough about me, more about friends and life.

My only friends really are Lily, Alice and Mary. I'm probably closest to Alice seeming as she can use sign language. I suppose my best friend are my older brothers, Fabian and Gideon. My sister left last year, I'm in my fifth year. My brothers are in the year above me. They love to joke and don't treat me differently because of what I am. But no one really knows what I am.

The marauders seem to be intent on making my life miserable. They hate me to put it lightly. I don't really hate them which some people find hard to believe, if anything I feel sorry for them. They must have fairly shitty lives themselves if they find such joy in ruining others. I of course don't argue back at all, and they don't do anything really bad. They've never properly pranked me, I think because Fabian and Gideon are the other pranking kings of the school and Lily being quite protective of me. They don't know how much they actually hurt me. It's hard not having proper friends and even harder being bullied by some of the most popular people in your year.

I like Dumbledore, he's nice to me and knows everything. He helps me as well, keeping animals in the dark forest for me to drink once a month.

I mainly love it a Hogwarts. It has it's ups and downs but I still love it.


Heya, little intro on my character and her life, I'm not sure who I think fits her best but I'm having Andrew Garfield play Lupin.

Comment who you think Imogen is

~ M xoxo

Life choices (Remus Lupin Marauders era)Where stories live. Discover now