Chapter 31

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The first day goes as well as can be expected. I try my best to stay firmly under the radar and throw myself back into my studies. Quite sad but I don't want to attract any more attention to myself, especially as my friends are going behind my back to play matchmaker with the marauders.

Is it strange that I don't want my relationships to be forced like this? I want a guy to fall for me, try to get to know me, and not just because he's doing it for his friends sake or because he feels like he has to.

I sit at our table in the great dining hall and silently watch as Alice and Frank start getting cosy next to each other across the table from me. I'm relieved as someone comes to sit next to me, but my relief is soon turned to horror as I realise exactly who it is.

James Potter.

"Hello Imogen, how's the first day been?"

I smile vaguely and nod in a, hopefully understandable, answer.

"That's good. So, what do you think about hooking up with Remus then?"

I almost spit out my pumpkin juice at his sudden question and he has to pat me on my back to clear my airways. I wipe my mouth with my fingers and give him an irritated and stern look. He smiles innocently and stands up, walking away and nonchalantly shoving his hands in his pockets. He turns back to me at the door and winks, making me purposefully turn away from him and back to my food.

I feel someone sit next to me and practically smack my head against the table in irritation. Can't people just let me eat in peace.

"Whoa, what's wrong baby sis?" Fabian says, plucking a mini roll off my plate.

I decide that if I don't want any murders to occur, I'll have to keep my mouth shut about their plan. They didn't catch wind of it when they were staying over Christmas and I plan to keep it that way.

He waits expectantly for an answer but I just smile back at him and take the bread back, in spite of his protests. I make sure to lick the crust all over before offering it back to him. He fake retches and I take a big bite whilst smirking.

"Come on ow, seriously, what's going on that you're not telling me?"

I just frown and reach for my notebook. Nothing is going on. Potter just wanted some tips with Lily, I was afraid that he came back because I wouldn't tell him anything. I lie as convincingly as I can.

He frowns. "I should tell him to stop bugging you about her, he's never going to get anywhere with her if he keeps on bugging her friends."

Don't say anything. The only realistic consequences that will come from it is that it'll only make him want to prove you wrong even more and make him go after her.

He just shrugs and takes a new slice of fresh bread out of a bowl. "Well, I'm always here if you want to talk."

I take a sigh of relief as he walks away and turn back to my supper. I look up to see Alice and Frank, looking strangely down at me. I shake my head and roll my eyes, trying to say that it's too complicated to explain right this second.

I make a quick detour to the library before going back up to my room to start some prep. I scan my eyes along a particular shelf for a textbook on werewolves, an ongoing study in DADA.

"Prongs! I found her! Quick! Bring Moony!" I hear a shout and turn around to see both Black and Potter dragging along a confused Remus.

I try to ignore them and look through the book, but someone knocks into me and practically sends me and the book flying forward. It lands in Remus's lap, who's also on the floor after being knocked over. He just pushes it to the side and immediately goes to help me up.

"I'm so sorry, they just shoved me into you. I have absolutely no idea what they were doing." He says, looking back at the boys who are running away, past the scowling librarian and pushing through the doors whilst laughing.

I pull my notepad out of my pocket, just in case I wanted to talk to him in a few minutes or the conversation carried on. I chuckle and smile as he picks up the book, still not tearing his eyes away from me.

"Do you have any idea what their intentions are?" He asks.

I lie and shake my head, smiling and running an hand through my hair absentmindedly. My eyes drop down to my book and he stretches out to hand it to me, looking at the cover then back up at my face. His expression noticeably drops and he practically shoves the book back towards me.

"Sorry, no matter what their plans for the two of us are, we will never ever work." He says abruptly. "I will never go out with you. I can't." His tone holds a hint of sadness and regret in it.

Yet I can barely breathe.

Being rejected by the one person that my friends think I have a chance with, it hurts.

I tell myself that I've dealt with much worse and try to force out a smile. I can tell that it's not very convincing by the way his expression drops again. He opens his mouth to try and explain but I push directly past him.

I clutch the book to my chest and walk as quickly as I can down the long stone corridor. When I reach the huge wall and my door comes into view, I immediately shuffle inside and shut the door firmly behind me. I sink down on the cosy floor next to the fireplace and let a tear trickle down my cheek.

Why am I crying? After all I've been through, this should be absolutely nothing. So why does it hurt so much?

A sudden headache hits me and I put my head between my knees to try and get rid of the nausea. I think about going out and feeding but I'm not in the right frame of mind. When you get like this, you become irrational and don't think clearly. I've had to find that out the hard way.

Once I've been able to stop the tears, I use a charm to hide the fact that my eyes are red and puffy. I slip back outside and wander down the now empty corridors. I check my watch and mentally curse as I realise that I was meant to be in my room ten minutes ago.

A heavy hand lands on my shoulder and I twist around in shock to see Dumbledore looking down at me.

"Let's go and have a chat in my office."


Ohmigosh, I'm almost at 100 votes!!! 4 to go!! So a massive thanks to everyone who has voted and sticked with this story, you're the ones who actually motivate the writers to write and you don't get enough credit.

Remus has screwed up. again. When will he learn that he does deserve her!

QOTD : who's your favourite band / singer?

These are just a few of my very favourite:
Halsey, 5sos, TØP, FOB, Sia, Sleeping at Last, Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, Lorde, Lana Del Rey, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Of Monsters and Men, All time low, alt-j

If you haven't heard of them, give it a go, you might be surprised

Stay breathtaking 💭💕

~ Molly Prewett xxxxx

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