Chapter 11

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I change into a sweater and jeans, wanting to be presentable but comfy for the detention. My heart lurches a bit and my stomach twists at the thought of having to spend an hour alone with the four of them. I guess Lupin and Pettigrew aren't as bad now but still.

I head down towards filch's office and wait for everyone to show up. Mrs Norris appears minutes later with filch trailing behind her carrying a lantern.

"Where are the bloody boys then? They're late!" He snaps angrily.

We end up waiting for another ten minutes until they finally make an appearance, laughing and joking down the corridor. He has a go at them but they don't seem to care, in fact I think they hold back laughter as filch gets angrier and angrier by the second.

"You'll all be staying for another hour now. Come."

I make a small noise in protest which makes the boys just laugh at me. So much for lupin and Pettigrew being on my side.

"You were with them that night, you get punished the same as them."

But I wasn't with them!

"So you expect me to think that you were all just out by coincidence at the same time?"

Yes? I don't know what to say.

He grumbles something incoherent and leads us down to one of the old classrooms, their only really used in case there's a cover teacher and they aren't allowed in the usual classrooms.

"Pettigrew and Potter in here. The first years were practicing exploding potions in their lessons today, I'm sure you'll have fun cleaning up." He takes their wands and hands them a bucket of water and a cloth each.

They mumble profanities at him behind his back and scowl at me, I don't know what I did or what made Pettigrew change his mind about me again. I try to shrug it off but I can't.

Filch leads us down the corridor to where there's a storeroom filled with desks, chalkboards and all sorts of stuff arranged in a jumbled heap.

"Set it out neatly. Sort them as well. You have two hours. Give me your wands."

But how can I speak.

"No, please take her wand so we won't be irritated by those sparkly silver words floating in the air." Black sneers.

Is it that bad to have silver lettering? I think the colour's nice, it makes me happy when I look at it.

"There are chalkboards. I'm sure you can think of something."

He snatches my wand out of my grasp and slams the door on us.

The night starts out much better than expected. They don't really say much and we get stuck in with the work. Then as the minutes tick by and they get more and more bored the teasing progresses.

"Tell me freak, is it tough being a freak?" Black laughs and Lupin joins in. "Is it tough having no friends?"

"It must be hard." Lupin fake sympathises.

Where was the Lupin that pulled books of shelves for me because I was too short and who gave me answers in DADA when I was stuck. I don't like the Lupin who joins in with the teasing and makes fun of me along with everyone else.

"It's hard being friendless isn't it freak? Hey friendless freak!"

Their constant name calling and laughter echoes in my ears and brings tears to my eyes. The time ends and I'm just left in the classroom on my own. They have to go back tomorrow night but I don't know if I can take it again. I pick up a piece of chalk lying on the side and turn to a blackboard. I write down every name they've called me and my name in a bubble in the middle. It's a struggle to fit everything on there. Once I've written down every name I can remember I erase it all with the flick of my wand. Pointless but I needed to get it out of me. I head back up to my bed and fall asleep, silently crying into my pillow


Last update before I go, sorry it's so short. I can't believe Remus would change like that 😢😫.

Good luck at school and everything xxx

~ M

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