BONUS ~ Nevilles first day at Hogwarts

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"Ok, a couple of ground rules first of all. No fussing. No crying. You will literally see him in a matter of hours. When you see him at school, do not act all excited and proud and happy, I know you are but he doesn't need that. You may be like a Mum to him, but there you're his teacher."

Remus looks into my eyes as he says this, holding his hands on Esther side of my cheeks, thumbs brushing over my cheekbones which are slightly hidden by the bright smile taking over my features. He's trying to act as serious as he can although I can sense his own excitement and nerves through his deliciously soft voice.

I nod feverishly, my bottom lip caught between my teeth in an effort to suppress even an ounce of excitement that he can so visibly see building up within me.

"We've had our time. This is Neville's time."

I roll my eyes at his overextended pep talk, stretching up onto my tiptoes to give him a lingering kiss before spinning around and racing throughout the small house to Neville's room, leaving him free to chuckle to himself at my childish antics.

I knock softly on his open door, peeking around the corner to see him sitting on the floor, Trevor hopping around his scattered belongings as he tries to figure out what exactly he's forgotten. He looks up at me and smiles nervously as I sit down beside him on the floor, nudging him with my shoulder as a form of question as to what's wrong.

At first he seems hesitant to speak, his inability to coherently express his vast cacophony of thoughts overtaking his mind and making everything seem like a jumbled mess.

"What was your first day at Hogwarts like." He finally manages to push the words out of his lips, bringing a smile to my face.

It was tough. I sign. But it got easier. The friends you make there will last you your lifetime, you'll absolutely love it.

"But what if I don't? What if no one likes me?"

How could they not like you? You're an utterly adorable person. I tease him playfully, my fingers reaching out and lightly pinching his chubby cheeks much to his horror.

"I'm not, and being utterly adorable doesn't get you friends." He sighs as he swats my hands away, his fingers nervously threading through the strands of wool at the edge of his blanket.

I just shake my head at him and his ability to turn anything into a disastrous situation, both mentally and physically. My arms wrap themselves around his shoulders and I just sit there, hugging him for a few moments whilst he clings onto me for dear life. I press my lips against his forehead, stroking his hair comfortingly as I clutch him just a little tighter before letting him go.

You are going to be amazing, just like your parents. You are incredible, don't ever forget that.


Hi friends, so I've been kinda inactive but i am in the midst of exams and what with my tendency to go slightly insane I've kinda just been focusing on myself the past few weeks and not stressing about writing. 

I'm going to release a marauders gif series if you care at all to read it, also 'sweet as sugar' will be updated soon, maybe today, definitely more regularly if i am able too. 

I hope you understand my beautiful fairies and thank you for your patience.

love you loads xxx

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