Chapter 25

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We head down to supper in silence and sit along the bench in the kitchen. I sit next to Lily, who sits opposite James, and the tension is extremely visible between them. James's parents ask her all sorts of questions, obviously knowing exactly who she is and what James thinks about her.

The supper is filled with unpleasant awkwardness and I can't exactly help by filling it with conversation. It's mainly silent, Molly and Arthur trying to ease everyone up a bit by cracking jokes and reminiscing old times when they were at Hogwarts. It doesn't help much though as it's clear to everyone that they're trying to cover up something.

As soon as supper is over, Lily drags me back upstairs and immediately turns to attack me with questions.

"You have so much to explain." She growls.

So do you. I smile back. Don't think that I'm the only one keeping secrets here.

"What? I have absolutely nothing to explain, you're the one who didn't tell me that he was here."

You said it didn't matter who it was, and why're you so affected by him? You were never like this before, you could at least be in the same room as him and not want to kill him. Did something happen that I missed when I was out?

She sighs and tosses her hair back over her shoulder dramatically before launching into her story.

"It was at the Yule Ball, he was begging me for a dance and wasn't going to give up until I said yes. So of course, I said yes to get him off my back. He was the kindest any boy has ever been to me. He's screwed up my feelings. I don't know what to do anymore." She groans and buries her face in her hands. "I can't help but think of him that way. Do you think he's slipped me a love potion?" She suddenly starts getting frantic. "Do you think he's put me under some sort of spell."

Calm down for a minute, it's perfectly normal to feel this way. I knew it would come sooner or later, we all did. He's been pining for you for so long now that it's only natural you start feeling his affection. I'm shocked it hasn't come through sooner. I admit.

"Why didn't you tell me this was going to happen!?" She declares. "Why didn't you warn me!?"

You needed to find out you feelings for yourself. There's no use me telling you because you'll just deny it, its easy to deny something your friends are telling you but it's much harder denying something your heart and mind is telling you.

She sighs and sits down next to me on the bed. She seems broken and upset, I've never seen her like this before and it's horrible.

I'll talk to him for you. Seriously.

"But you hate him."

But you're one of my best friends, of course I'm going to put my hate aside for your happiness. I don't think he's going to hurt you.

She pulls me into a tight hug and starts chanting 'thank you' all over again.

"You're lucky you don't have to go through any of this." She sighs. "It's absolute hell. You have no idea."

What? I'm lucky that I have no boys going for me? I don't think so. I'm really not lucky. I frown and shake my head.

"You've got Remus." She says carefully. "You've got him going for you."

He doesn't care about me. He only cares about laughing at me along with the rest of them.

She puts on her best thinking expression and taps her forefinger against her chin. "Ok, you bet that I would fall for James, well that's kind of happened now, so I bet you're going to fall for Remus."

Ok, I don't think I will, but for funs sake, let's just pretend that I will. What's the bet? I smirk, trying to make this a bit more interesting.

"Hmmm." She muses. "If I win, you have to help me with everything mushy that I have to do with James, date planning, gift giving, you'll be my right hand girl and you've got to stick to it."

It doesn't sound too bad. Ok, but if I win, you have to fail a test. In potions.

Her eyes widen and she looks horrified. "No, no I can't do that. What happens if he drops me from his expert potions club, what if I end up failing the entire term. I can't fail a potions test."

Ok fine. Maybe not potions. History of magic, that's a boring one, no one cares about history of magic. Come on, a bets a bet. I smirk. Do we have an agreement?

She's clearly reluctant, but shakes my hand anyway. "Fine. I'm going to make your right hand girl duties hell, by the way."

I never expected them to be easy. I shrug. We're agreed then, it starts whenever you want it to, let the matchmaking begin.

She grins and we begin to get ready for bed. We stay up for a few minutes, talking about various stuff and what schools going to be like when we get back. I tell her about hopefully what I'm getting for Christmas and what I'm giving everyone else. She tells me about home and the trouble with Petunia and her parents. She tells me how difficult is is being the only person she knows in her area that is a witch, apart from Severus but she's worried about him because apparently he's been acting differently lately.

Eventually she falls asleep and I lie there listening to her soft breathing. I shuffle around in bed, trying to find a comfortable position that's both warm enough and cool enough.

My mind races with thoughts of Remus and I getting together. Half of me is extremely hopeful that this will work, but the other part is absolutely terrified at the prospect of having a boyfriend and being in a relationship.

Nothing has ever romantically happened to me. And I'm willing to bet that nothing ever will.


Aloha! Do ya'll like the new cover? I hope so because I think it's a big improvement on the old one.

I don't know if I'll be able to update much soon because I've got exams and & all sorts of end of year stuff. Sorry for the inconvenience and

Good luck to everyone else doing exams!!!

Please vote, comment, follow, whatever, please.

I'm British, I say please and sorry wayyyy too much.

Molly xxx


P.P.S. I'm using the marauders characters from Pinterest and tumblr and stuff, so that's Lily

QOTD: which character from Harry Potter do you most associate yourself with?

Mines Luna ☺️

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