Chapter 15

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Lupin's POV

We all collect in the dorm after our trip around Hogsmede and discuss what we've found out.

"Ok. Report on Imogen, Peter, go." Sirius commands and looks pointedly at him.

Peter starts looking flustered and scrambles around for something in his trunk. He pulls out a small book and starts flicking through the pages.

"Ok, she likes going to the greenhouse, she goes there sometimes to just relax. She went shopping for the Yule Ball today and bought a dress, so I assume she'll be going." He says carefully. "If they don't get dates, then she'll be going alone with Lily and Mary as Alice has a boyfriend."

"Well done!" James smiles, which is probably the most praise that I've ever seen him give Peter. "Now we need to decide how we can use it to our advantage and hurt her with it."

My stomach knots at the idea of her being hurt. I want to tell them that it's stupid but I just can't.

"We've been waiting for this for ages. We can't let her get away with things just because she's mute and a bit screwed up in the head." Sirius reminds us.

Peter nods and I force myself to agree. She did hurt them and James's family.

"What's the plan?"

"Ok. So she clearly doesn't think she's going to get a date to the ball, so I'm thinking that if one of us asks her, and we get her to meet at the greenhouse, we can lock her inside and leave her there. Simple." James smirks, obviously happy with himself.

"Why would she say yes to any of us? It would look really suspicious if we asked, everyone knows we hate her." I point out the obvious flaw in his plan.

He bites his lip in thought and rests his chin on the heel of his hand.

"True. Ok, so we ask her in a romantic letter? You know she reads all sorts of muggle romance books, she must be a sucker for them."

"So what? Meet me in the greenhouse before the ball, love your secret admirer?" I scoff. "That's obviously a lie."

"And I thought you were supposed to be the smart one here Moony, it'll be much more believable and convincing than that. Come on, get a pen and start writing."

"She'll recognise our handwriting." I scoff.

"That's what magic is here for." He laughs. "Come on, write.
Dearest Imogen. You may not have noticed me, but I've always noticed you. I see much more than the front you show everyone. It would be an honour for you to attend the Yule ball with me. If you would like to, please meet me in the greenhouse before the ball starts. Love, a secret admirer.
There, how does that sound?" He finishes and smirks.

"Good." Sirius grins. "Now we just have to make sure her friends have dates."

"No problem there. They're hot." James smirks wickedly. "If only Lily would go with me."

"You have another two years after this one. There's still time." I reassure him.

"I guess." He shrugs. "The time can't come soon enough though."

"Patience young Prongs, patience. Good things come to those who wait." Sirius says in a fake wise voice. "You'll get her in the end. Right now we need to focus on the objective, and that is to make little Imogen Prewett wish she'd never crossed our path."

"Gee, you sound a bit morbid." I scoff. "We don't want to ruin her any further."

"She's a creep anyway."

"What if she gets asked out by someone though?"  Peter asks. "We'll be taking her away from someone who actually might like her."

It is a fair point, we could be ruining a perfect night for her.

"I've only ever seen her talk to us, her brothers, and the three girls in her dorm. No one is going to ask her." Sirius says, voice full of scorn and annoyance. "We won't be taking her away from anything."

I'm still hesitant to follow through with the plan and make her upset but I have to keep on telling myself that it's for the best.

"Ok, fine. Don't worry about anything. The letter is sorted, now we've just got to deliver it, get a key and lock her in there." Sirius turns to James.

"Easy. What with the map and everything, we're completely sorted. And you don't need a key, we'll have wands. She won't."

"Why not?" Peter asks James.

"Because why would you take your wand to meet a boy?" He scoffs. "She won't take it, you can be almost certain of that."

We continue late into the night, discussing plans and the different girls we could actually ask to the dance. Eventually the others fall asleep and I'm left considering my actions. I don't want to do this to her, I really don't. But I don't want to lose any of my friends. It would be worse to lose them than upset her.

I eventually fall asleep to the sound of their soft breathing and the tapping on the glass from the pouring rain.

My dreams are plagued with the image of Imogen, crying on the greenhouse floor while we all stand around laughing. Even worse, I'm laughing. She looks up at me with eyes filled with pain and I can't take it any more.

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