Chapter 7

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Immy's POV

I literally feel hideous.

I'm hunting tomorrow but the weight of the thirst is heavy in my mind, making it difficult to think properly and function. I turn into DADA and take my spot next to Lupin. He also looks horrid, bags under his eyes and pale grey skin, making a couple of faint scars along his face stand out. Thank Merlin we were only going to be watching a film. The teacher brings out a massive screen and a tape, smiling he turns to us.

"Those who are intent on continuing muggle studies should tell me what this is. Anyone know?"

I scribble down the answer in my notepad and poke Lupin. He hesitantly raises his hand and reads off the card.

"It's a TV?"

"Correct. Ten points to Gryffindor. Now we will be watching the muggles perspective on werewolves, some of what they know is true but being muggles they don't know how to properly kill one so most of them end up dying if they don't get transformed."

I feel Remus stiffen once again at the talk of werewolf transformation but I'm too tired and weak to do anything about it and ask what's wrong.

I practically sleep through the entire film. It's mostly just muggles sprouting a load of rubbish and fake stories and accounts of their experiences. The teacher suddenly stops the film and flicks the lights on, practically blinding me and giving me a headache. I place my hands over my eyes to shield them and groan.

"Not a good morning then?" I hear Remus laugh at me.

I look up at him and he also looks exhausted and weary.

You don't look very well yourself. I scribble.

He sighs and runs a hand through his chestnut brown hair. He still manages to look incredible even though he looks terrible.

"No, not a very good day for me either." He smiles sadly.

I smile slightly back at him and rest my forehead back on the desk.

"Miss Prewett. I hope you are not sleeping in my lesson." Mr Carlton, the teacher asks.

I lift my head up and shake it, smiling sweetly. I hear someone mutter 'suck up' at the front of the class and frown. I'm not a suck up am I?

I stumble blindly through the lesson with Lupin helping me answer questions and me helping him with others. Together we have just enough energy for one. Lily comes to fetch me at the end of the class and practically has to drag me back up to the dorm.

"It's a free lesson now, so I suggest you get some beauty sleep. I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but you seriously need it."

I just nod weakly and let her, Mary and Alice pull me away.

"She not able to stand? Has she really become that weak?" Comes potters irritating snarl.

"Shut up Potter! She's just tired! I've seen you do the same for Lupin." Mary bites back venomously.

He frowns and pulls out his wand threateningly. I just laugh loudly making them all look at me like I've grown another head or something. Maybe it was the tiredness or the fact that I really don't want to take anymore of his crap today. I pull out my wand and start writing in the air.

Weak little boys hide behind pathetic spells because that's the only words they can use as their minds aren't sharp enough to conjure up something that is actually meaningful.

I start laughing again and draw shapes in the air around the words. Potter gasps and utters something really rather rude before charging at me. Alice, Mary and Lily all suddenly stand between us two, their wands out at the ready and pointing directly at him. I stifle a laugh again and frown as another dizzy spell comes over me and I almost collapse.

It's something to do with the lack of blood and the sunlight which streams through the castles huge ornate windows which makes me go so mental.

I can't wait until nightfall and I'll be able to think properly again.

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