Chapter 22

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Imogen's POV

I open my eyes and the first thing I remember is the blinding light. My head pounds and I screw my eyes shut to try and expel the pain. I hear muffled talking around me and I force myself to open my eyes. My family stands around me and the twins instantly attack me with hugs as they realise I'm awake.

"Imogen! What happened?"

I put on a dumb face. I honestly can't remember what happened to me.

"We were so scared. We were in our first lesson when McGonagall rushed in and said something had happened to you. You were lying in the greenhouse, unconscious."

I shrug and frown. None of it is sounding familiar.

"What was the last thing you remember?" Molly asks carefully.

I think back and remember sitting in the common room, talking to them about going to Hogsmede. I look around for my wand to explain and smile thankfully as Molly hands it to me.

Talking about the trip to Hogsmede with you two in the common room.

They look at each other in shock. "That was weeks ago." Fabian says. "You've never blacked out this badly before."

Really? Oh. I really don't know what to say to that.

How can I not remember the past couple of weeks? They're right, I've never had it this bad before.

"Come on love, are you ok to get up? We've packed up everything you need for home, it's back at our home. Dumbledore said we could use his fireplace to go by floo-powder." Mum says, trying to make light of the situation.

I nod and try to pull myself up and out of bed. My legs almost instantly collapse from under me though. Thankfully the boys take each of my arms and support me against them.

"Come on." Gideon says carefully. "I'll give you a piggyback." He lifts me up onto his back and I link my arms around his neck.

We head up to the fireplace and individually travel through the flames into our sitting room. I head straight towards the sofa and collapse face first on the soft fabric. I begin to drift off again, but mum brings me back to reality by stroking my hair softly.

"Sweetheart? I know you're tired, but you need to eat something. You need energy or you're just going to get weaker." I huff and lift my head up off the pillow. "Sorry I'm nagging but I'm your mother, it's my job to be worried and naggy."

I nod and walk towards the kitchen where a pile of toast waits. I take a heavily buttered piece off the top and shove it in my mouth. She smiles when she realises that I've eaten for her and sets about tidying up the place.

I head up to my room where my trunk lies and crawl straight into bed. Someone knocks at the door and I suppress a groan as Molly walks through the door.

"Sorry to interrupt you, I know you probably don't want to talk to anyone right now but I felt like I should tell you what's coming up." She sets herself down on the edge of my bed and pauses to make sure I'm awake and following.

I nod for her to continue talking and she smiles, grateful that I didn't completely shut her out like I usually do to people when I'm tired.

"Ok, I know they might not be your favourite people right at this moment but it is important to mum and dad, so bare with us. They've invited the Potters over, you know, James, Fleamont and Euphemia. Mum felt really bad so they're coming to stay for a couple of days next week. They're not going to find out or anything, but mum need to make them feel welcome again."

I nod and scowl. Yeah it's fine, don't worry about me. I shrug. I'll be nice.

"I know you will be, but what about them?"


"Sirius is staying with them while he is going through a tiff with his family." She sighs. "Don't worry, we'll be around to help you."

Thanks. I smile tiredly up at her.

"Ok, I'll let you get to sleep now. I'm so glad that you're ok now." She says, giving me a soft hug.

I watch her leave the room and instantly start panicking. They don't know what I go through at school, of course they don't, but do they still not realise what position this puts me in?

I try to get to sleep but after her visit I can't stop the terrifying scenarios going through my mind. They wouldn't do anything whilst our parents are around, and it's my house, I should be able to do as I please. At least the other two won't be coming.

Sleep refuses to grace me with its presence so I creep downstairs and stop on the staircase as I hear my family talking earnestly.

"Why did you invite them! Don't you know how they treat her like dirt!" Gideon exclaims in an angry whisper. "I'm almost certain that it was them who shut her in there!"

"It was declared as an accident. She would usually go to the greenhouse." Dad defends.

"They're some of our oldest friends. Please, I just want to make things work again." I hear mum say, her voice cracking like she's crying. "Maybe after this they'll stop. You don't know."

"I don't think they're able to stop." Fabian scoffs. "It's like-"

The step creaks under my feet and they all run to the bottom of the staircase, looking up at me regretfully.

"Sorry Imogen. We'll protect you, nothing is going to happen whilst they're here. I promise." Gideon smiles and Fabian joins in, nodding comfortingly.

You shouldn't make promises you can't keep.


Oh my gossssshhhhh! I've suddenly got over 4 hundred reads!!! Thank you so much for those who've commented and given their support, love ya'll

~ M xx

Qotd: what should be Remus' & Immy's ship name? I like Rimmy from @siriuslysarcastic but what do you all think?

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