BONUS ~ why them?

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The confident, abrupt knock at the front door almost makes me drop my tea as I carry it to my workbench. I place the tea next to the clippers and make sure that it is out of reach of any plants before heading to answer the door.

I peek through the spyhole and see a lady in a formal cloak and a sharp, grey bob cut level with her chin. I open the door and my eyes immediately fall to the baby basket at her feet.

"Imogen Lupin? I'm sorry to inform you of Alice and Frank's............."

Her words just blur into one endless apology and fall onto deaf ears.

I can't believe it, I don't want to believe it.

You're lying. Please say you're lying.

"I'm so sorry."

My hands shake nervously as I use my wand to speak in a conversation I never wanted to happen. My husbands out at the moment. I'll tell him when he gets back.

She wishes me well, once again gives her condolences, and hands over the innocent, oblivious baby into my arms.

I shut the door and try not to sob and wake the baby, instead clutching him to my chest and silently crying into his blanket.

I hear the door open and Remus calls out to me, I just stand in the middle of the kitchen, afraid that if I make a single sound I'll launch into more uncontrollable sobs that will never be able to stop.

He freezes in the doorway to the kitchen, his hands gripping a letter and his mouth slowly falling open in despair as he sees the tears and small baby.


Why? Why them? They didn't deserve this!

"We can still take Neville to see them." He offers. "And you now have someone to force all your herbology knowledge onto."

I helplessly laugh through the tears at his expression. I love you.

He pulls the two of us into his arms, carefully making sure he's not squashing our new baby in his arms. He gently sways us, knowing that no words can be used to express the uncomfortable, sad aura filling the room.

Neville sticks out his chubby arms and opens his eyes. I bite my lip, seeing Alice's eyes staring up at me. I run my finger along his soft cheek and smile weakly at him, trying to soothe the now distressed cries which fall out of his mouth.

Everything is going to change now. Isn't it?

He sighs tiredly and takes the small baby from my arms, cradling him to his chest.

"Yes." He mutters regretfully. "Yes it is. But I've got you, and you've got me. And we have Neville and Neville has us."

Later that night, I fall asleep with my cheeks stiff from tears and my head pounding from the loss of water. I wake in the early hours of the morning to an empty bed and soft words being muttered in the corner of the room, next to Nevilles cot. I look up and see the dark silhouette of Remus, cradling Neville in his arms and whispering things into his short hair.

"Everything will be ok." Remus chants lowly. "We love you."

His eyes meet mine in the darkness and I watch as his perfect white teeth flash in the strip of moonlight escaping through the curtains, comforting me with a smile.

"Everything is going to be just fine."


I know, I'm horrible.

I haven't updated in so long and I don't really have an excuse.

So it's the holidays, I had a slight mental glitch and though that no one would want to see me and they're only saying they want to see me out of pity so I've become a hermit.

Anyone have any suggestions for any more of these chapters?

Or would you like me to shut up now and just end the gosh darn book already? 

Good luck in school / exams / exam results / life / breathing


*ᴹᴵᶜ ᴰᴿᴼᴾ*

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