Chapter 10

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Woooo over 100 reads! Might not be a big deal for someone but it is for me.

This chapter goes out to @icespade who was my first ever vote!!! Thank you xxx


Lupin's POV

We head back up to our dorm, stuck in an uncomfortable silence. They immediately descend on Peter as soon as we're alone.

"What were you doing with her? More importantly, why the hell were you defending her?"

"Yeah, I understand moony doing it, he seems to have a thing for short girls with glasses, but why were you with her? You know she's the enemy. We can't trust her."

"But why?" He fights back for once and I'm both shocked and impressed. "Why do I have to hate her? She was nice, she helped me with my essay seeming as you were all to busy and couldn't be bothered to."

"She's just using you so she can break us all apart! Don't you get it? She's evil." James insists.

"Where do you get all these ideas from?" I ask suddenly. "Hardly anyone knows anything about her. How do you hate her?"

He just sighs and rolls his eyes slightly, obviously not wanting to reveal anything.

"If you know something you have to tell us." Peter demands.

"My family have always been friends with her family. I grew up knowing her, playing with her brothers, it was fun. We did a lot together. Then suddenly they stopped two years before I came here. They cut off all contact and they moved away. They wouldn't answer our owls or give any indication why the sudden move. We did nothing to them and they were so rude about it all. They then treated us like we were nothing to them after letting us believe they were like family. My parents were so upset, they'd grown up with her parents as well, same house and year group and everything, it tore us up, losing our best friends like that. Then one day, we bumped into each other again in Diagon alley. Mum asked what was wrong and she said it was all Imogen's fault, that she'd done something or something had happened which meant they had to move away. Then when I first met her here I was really nice and kind to her, I tried talking to her again and getting to know her but she just cut me out! She avoided and ignored me! I remember talking to her about going to Hogwarts and the houses, and now she just doesn't speak? She wrecks people's lives, she tore her family away from mine." He rants.

"She cut everyone off at the beginning, that's just how she was." I reason. "That happened to all of us, you can't take that personally."

"But I knew her! We were friends! We'd grown up together!"

"Something must have happened to her." I say, still trying to find a suitable reason for her actions.

"That doesn't give them all a reason to blank us, and her mother said it was 'because of Imogen'." James refuses to move from his theory. "That's why we don't like her. And we don't get to know her."

"But you said I had to so I could find out how to prank her!" Pettigrew argues.

"Fine. Get to know her, then you'll realise how horrid she really is."

"What could happen to someone that makes them like that?" I struggle to understand any of it and match up the reasons.

"She was the youngest, they're usually favourite. If she kicked up a fuss about anything they'd rush to her aid. I think she got bored of the lack of attention."

"She doesn't seem to like attention now."

"Certainly did with Dumbledore. She spoke to him alone afterwards. I think she prefers one on one pity attention, more than big crowds."

Bits of it make sense, but I can't really see it myself.

"See! Even Moony's thinking it over and he's the clever one here!" He exclaims and points at me.

Sirius and Peter already seem to be sold on the theory so I go along with it as well, she can't be all nice to have blocked him off like that.

"We should probably go to detention now." I try.

"Why bother?" Sirius mutters. "We have to spend it with the freak home-wrecker."

"We'll only have double the next night." I reason. "Come on, he's going to be absolutely livid if we're late."

"He's always mad about something. The only time I think I've ever seen him happy is when he's thinking about snogging Mrs Norris."

I laugh and smile, glad that all the tension has gone and we've stopped talking about her.

I honestly don't know what to think anymore.


Heya, tonight I'm going back to boarding school and I won't be able to update everyday because they block wattpad on the school wifi 😢. I'm able to update every Tuesday, Thursday, sometimes Friday's, and at the weekend. Do any of you go to boarding school and have this?

Sorry xxx

~ M

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