Chapter 12

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I stumble through the day, worse than usual, I don't make any effort to talk to people really. Luckily there's no DADA today, so I don't have to face the four. I only have them individually, or in a couple. Throughout the day the ask me what's wrong and I just shake my head, trying to assure them it's nothing. As detention time looms ever closer I find myself feeling sick.

"Immy, you feeling ok?" Lily asks nervously.

I put on my best fake smile and nod.

"You sure?"

I nod again and continue smiling. She doesn't seem too convinced though.

"You can always tell me if something's wrong."

No I can't. Not really.

I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I nod again and smile. I finish up some work assignments before heading back down to Filch's office. I pass Dumbledore on the way down and he smiles warmly. I quickly smile back before rushing down the corridor, not wanting to be late. Filch sends me straight off to the classroom where Potter and Black are already sorting stuff out. Lupin must have joined Pettigrew or something. It was a big mistake to put the two of them in a room together though, that's just asking for trouble.

"You finally decided to come freak?" Black snarls. "Well hurry up, I've got places to be, people to see."

Girls to screw with.

I start stacking chairs to the side of the room while they discover some old brooms and race around the room. They laugh and try to dive bomb me. I try to ignore them and continue on with the work and everything. They start throwing down fire crackers that explode in the air around me. I scream and put my hands over my head from instinct. I have a very bad experience with exploding things and flying. This just resurfaces everything and makes it feel like I'm back there. I cower in the corner as they continue to pelt me with the fire things. My mind races and I curl into a ball, telling myself that it's not real and I'm not about to be crucioed again.

I don't know how long I stay in the corner, rocking myself backwards and forwards to ease the pain. Or how long the abuse goes on for when someone places a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Potter staring down, somewhat worriedly, at me. I slap his hand away and stand ups throwing him off me and into a blackboard. I race down the corridor and into Filch's office. I grab my wand from the side and head back down the corridor, I'm so done with them and having to put up with everything.

As I reach the wall I close my eyes and wish. The door appears in front of me and I quietly slip through into a small, cosy room with a hammock and roaring fireplace.

I'm not sure how long I stay in the room. I'll have to go and get my wand at some point and explain to Filch why I ran out during the middle of my detention. I head up to the dorm before its time to be in rooms. I'm attacked in the corridor by all the marauders surrounding me.

"Where did you go?"

Having no way to communicate, I keep silent. Pettigrew hands over my wand and I stare at it in shock.

How did you get my wand?

"We covered for you."


"We were the reason you left, seemed fair." Black shrugs.

Who knows, maybe these guys do have a little bit of niceness left in their bodies.

Thank you? I look at them suspiciously.

"So, as we did this for you, you're not allowed to tell Filch or anyone what really happened in there. Ok?" Their kind expressions switch to threatening ones that make me shudder.

I knew there had to be a reason for their kindness. They don't do things for others unless they want something in return.

Fine. I scowl and push past them.

Potter grabs my arm and spins me around to face him. I narrow my eyes at him and try to pull away but his vice like grip keeps me stuck there.

"What happened in there? You went completely mental. You threw me into a board. What happened? What was going through your mind?"

You know nothing about me. Leave me alone. I write, pulling away from him and storming off down the corridor.

"What happened to the old Imogen Prewett? What happened to the girl who told me corny jokes and dreamed about going to Hogwarts with me? What happened to her?" He shouts after me. "Who is this scared little bitch who's taken her place?"

The old Imogen left when they threatened her. She disappeared when they tried to kill her. They killed that part of her.

I quickly head up to my dorm, not stopping to talk to anyone. I pull on a fresh set of clothes and walk down to the greenhouse. I slip in through the glass doors and towards the wooden benches, filled with different medicinal plants. I breathe in deeply and find comfort in the rich smell of soil and plants.

This is where I'm most at home.

I tend to some of the simple, kinder plants and fill up the water containers. I tidy up the soil on the floor and take out my sketchbook to draw up some of the plants.

Peace at last.

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