Chapter 13

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I curl up in the armchair in front of the fire and flick through the pages of my sketchbook. I feel someone looking over my shoulder and twist around to see Gideon and Fabian looking down at me.

Can I help you?

"We were wondering if you're going to go to Hogsmede with us today?"

I might be going with friends.

They plaster on fake surprised expressions and look down at me. "You have friends? I had no idea!"

I thwack his arm in good humour and turn back to my book.

"Only joking. So that's a no then?"

I'll try and catch up with you at some point, but we're going shopping for 'girly stuff' Mary says, so I don't know what that really is or how long it's going to take.

They wrinkle their noses up in disgust and confusion.

"Girly stuff? Better them than us. Good luck." Fabian grimaces.

"Yeah, I think you may need it." Gideon says before walking off to their dorm.

I chuckle at them and look down into the fire. My mind wanders back to the image of my precious book burning and I shudder. I try to forget about them and continue to browse through my different sketches. After a while I head up to the room and get changed before the other girls arrive.

I finish up a couple of assignments and read ahead on some of the subjects. Our owl from home starts clawing at the window and I smile before opening it and letting her in. I stroke her chest and take the letter, feeding her a couple of owl pellets and setting her down on my desk.

Dear Imogen,

I hope you are getting back into the swing of things and the twins aren't getting you into any trouble. I'm looking forward to seeing you again at the holidays, they can't come soon enough.

I hear there's going to be a Christmas ball, is this true? If so, I'm so happy! I remember having them when I was your age, they are always a night to remember. I hope you have a lot of fun. I've included some money in the pouch on Aisling's leg for the trip to Hogsmede and if you need a new dress for the ball.

Things are going well over here. Your sister is enjoying life with Arthur and I suspect a wedding on the horizon. They're so cute together, but imagine all the children! All redheads I can assume! Following in their parents steps through Hogwarts.

I know that we're not supposed to talk about this but I am worried about some of the characters in your school, especially the Slytherins. I'm not telling you to block out sine of your friends but I want you to be careful, I don't want anything more to happen to you.

Good luck at school. Love you so much.

Love mum & dad xxx

I smile at the letter and take the pouch of money off Aisling's leg. The girls come charging through and fling themselves down on their beds.

I tap Mary's shoulder and point to the section of the letter asking about the ball. She frowns but it quickly morphs into a smile.

"Oh yes! The ball! McGonagall said something about it earlier today, that's why we're going out for dresses tomorrow, that's what girly stuff means."

"Yeah! Oh I can't wait! It's going to be so fun!" Alice says enthusiastically.

"You have someone to go to the ball with though." Mary sighs. "You have a boyfriend who will go with you."

"And you'll easily find someone. Don't worry about it." Alice assures her. "You've got Sirius breathing down your neck to have you."

"But I don't like Sirius! I like someone else, Sirius is just an arrogant prick who wants me for my image, not my personality." She sighs and falls down on the bed. "Why is it that the people we want to notice us don't, and the people who do notice us we don't want to be noticed by."

"Woah, stop with the philosophical thoughts. You're bringing down the atmosphere. Think happy thoughts!" Lily smiles. "We can go solo together if we don't get dates."

I laugh at her Peter Pan reference and she grins back, happy that one of us understood it.

I honestly don't understand what they're complaining about. They will most definitely get dates. I'm the one stuck with absolutely no one to go with, and no one will ask me. Why ask someone on a date if you can't exactly talk to them when you're together.

I look down at my hands and nervously fidget with the quilt covering my duvet. The other girls must have noticed my discomfort because Lily comes and sits by my side.

"I have every belief that you will one day find that someone who is perfect for you and will treat you like you are the best thing in the world to them. That might not happen right now, but it will in the future." She smiles sympathetically. "I know that it will."

She wraps me up in a hug and Mary and Alice join in, piling on top of me and making me smile.

I may not have a perfect boyfriend. But I have my three friends. And that's better than one boy.


Happy 90th birthday Ma'am 🎈✨🎉🎁👑

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