Chapter 17

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Lupin's POV

Sirius flies into the room in a flurry of anger. He throws his books on his bed and groans.

Do I dare ask?

"What's wrong?"

Oops, looks like Prongs beat me to it.

"That fucking bitch has fucked up my potions grade!" He shouts and flings himself on the bed. "You saw how she was in potions this morning, Moony, she was a complete bitch to me! She didn't help at all!"

I refrain from correcting him and just sit back and let him vent.

"She doesn't give a fuck about it, she didn't care if we failed. In fact, we did fail and she didn't give a single fuck!"

I try to hold back the laughter and watch as they all start sympathising. I know he's making it sound a lot worse than it actually was, but I feel like pointing it out right now will not be in my best interest.

"Don't worry, I sorted out the letter already and it's waiting for her when she returns." James smiles devilishly and I feel my stomach lurch.

He's already gone ahead with it? I don't know what I was hoping, I know that I wouldn't have been able to stop them and save her. I guess a small part of me was always hoping that they could see their ways and I could stop them. I knew it was wishful thinking though.

"Good. She seriously deserves it."

We fall asleep in the middle of discussing the plans of how we can lock her in the greenhouse. I frown into the darkness as I hear the Sirius and James start talking lowly. They ask out if we're awake and I stay silent, wondering what they want to talk alone about.

"I honestly didn't think that Moony was going to go through with it." James admits. "It sounds like he has a thing for her."

"Yeah. I didn't think he was going to go through with the plan either, I know he doesn't like it, I know he feels sorry for her." Sirius says sadly. "She is quite cute, it's a shame about her personality. What do you think happened to her?"

"Something really bad. It uprooted her whole family as well."

"What are her family like?"

"Are you sure you're not the one with the crush?" James teases.

"God no! Moony can have her. I'm just curious, no one knows anything about her so it'd be interesting to know what she was like before she became like this."

"Yeah, her family is incredibly nice. Her sister is so kind but a few years older than her so they don't have as much to do with each other. She gets on really well with the twins, always has. She used to join in with their escapades and it would drive their mother insane. They were a really normal, nice family."

"So what happened?"

"Around a year before we came here, it happened in around three days. We just woke up and there were loads of members of the ministry around at her house. We went around to hers, to see what was going on, but we're told to leave. By the minister of magic himself. It was a shitty time. We didn't know what to do. Then, as soon as it started it was over. Back to normal apart from the 'for sale' sign in the front garden." He sighs and I hear him shift on his bed. "We have suspicions but I have no idea what actually happened."

"What are your suspicions?"

"My guess is that she's something like Moony."

"What? An organised smartass? A harmless student?" You can hear the smile in his voice. "What?"

"A werewolf."

My eyes widen in the darkness and I stop myself from gasping. He thinks she's like me?

"She can't be. Where would she go? What would she do? She doesn't look like he does around the full moon, at least not as shit."

"Ok, I agree it sounds far fetched now. But she's certainly something."

"I think you're overthinking this. She's a human. What else could she be?" He laughs to play off the awkwardness surrounding them. "She's nothing."

"I really hope you're right." He sighs. "It might be nice though, for Moony. Someone in the same position as him. Maybe that's what attracts them to each other."

"There is definitely something between the two. Why didn't we just let them get together?"

"Do you think he's going to let himself get close to someone? You've seen what he's like, he tried to push us away, he won't let a girl get into him like that. Anyway, I don't want him to get hurt by her. She's already ruined the relationship between our families, who's to say she won't do the same to theirs, that is if they ever do get into a relationship."

I guess he is right. I don't really want to listen any longer and so I try to block them out and get some sleep. I don't know how to act around her anymore. They've made me think that she's a lot more than she's letting on, I don't know exactly what to think.

The next morning I head down and see her sitting at the breakfast table, laughing at something with her friends. She cast our group a glance as we sit down and my eyes seem to lock onto hers for longer than necessary. I look away quickly and turn back to the group. I can't


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Thank you so much for everything, those who've added my stories to their reading lists and whatnot.
Love y'all xxx

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