Chapter 18

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Mary comes flying into the dorm and practically attacks Lily who is innocently sitting on her bed completing her DADA essay.

"You sneaky little lass! Why didn't you tell me you've got a date?" She says, smiling from ear to ear. "You have a date!"

Lily doesn't deny it but gives her a glare, flicking her wand out to clear up the ink Mary spilt.

"So what if I have? We've all got dates now, so what?"

"So what? The ball is in a couple of days! Then it's the Christmas Holidays! Oh that rhymed. Anyway, yayyyy!"

You've got to smile at her enthusiasm.

"Who is it?" Alice grins and joins them on her bed. "Because I know two people who will be absolutely devastated to hear you've accepted someone who wasn't them."

"Who? I know Potter is one but who's the other."

Sometimes I feel sorry for her because she is so oblivious to everything around her. We just give her a knowing look and try to brush it off. She demands we tell her and as soon as the words slip past Alice's lips she freezes.

"What? No, Severus does not like me."

"You're an idiot. Of course he likes you, anyone can see it."

"We are just friends." She insists. "It's purely platonic."

We all share knowing looks and turn back to her. She's still denying it and saying how nothing has happened between them. I know nothing has happened between them, but that doesn't mean that Severus doesn't want something to happen.

"Anyway, John is a Ravenclaw, really nice. He's in our ancient runes lesson, Mary."

"Ugh, ancient runes. The most boring lesson in the whole universe. You guys are lucky you were able to quit." She tells me and Alice. "But yeah, I know him, he's quite cute. Not Marauders cute, but in a more boy-next-door kind of way."

I spot the corners of Lily's mouth twitch down in a frown as soon as she mentions the marauders but I don't mention it to her.

"So what about you? Alice has her boyfriend, I have John, Immy has her mystery admirer, what about you?" Lily asks, avoiding the topic of the marauders.

"Oh you know, just some hufflepuff......." She trails off.

"Who?" Alice presses.

"It's, uh, Edward." She says carefully, fiddling with her fingers.

"Ted? Isn't he two years above us? He's in his last year here." Lily frowns in confusion. "You're not supposed to have relationships with the older years."

"We're not in a relationship. We're only going to the dance together." She shrugs. "There's nothing behind it, nothing is going to happen between us. We needed people to go with and enjoy each others company."

I roll my eyes at her and turn back to my charms theory textbook. I start practicing with my bed pillow and accidentally send it flying into a lamp. Everyone stares at me and I sheepishly magic it back into place. I continue to practice as they talk about the ball and who's going with who.

"I heard James tell someone that the marauders are all going stag." Mary says, flicking her long hair over her shoulder. "No doubt Potter will try and steal you for a dance."

Lily doesn't reply and turns to look at her own book, earning a ton of comments from Mary and Alice.

"Ugh, just forget it. I'm hungry, let's go for supper." She huffs and saunters out of the door.

We share a knowing look before following her down to the dining hall. We take our usual seat towards the middle of the table and I watch as the twins slide down the bench closer to us.

"Hello girls. So, can we ask who you have as dates?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." Mary says dramatically. "And you two?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." They use her words against her. "See you later."

They walk away and we resume our talk about the ball and everyone going. It seems to be the only thing anyone can talk about at the moment. I notice the marauders looking down at where we sit and I frown slightly. They slowly advance towards us and sit, trapping is between them.

"Hello ladies." Sirius says smoothly.

"Can we help you?" Mary replies hotly.

"Just wondering who my favourite redhead is going to the ball with." James winks at Lily. "Who wouldn't want to take this gorgeous flower." He moves to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and she tries to shuffle away from him.

"I'm going with a guy from my Ancient Runes class. Not that it's any of your business." She turns her nose up at him continues to eat her toast.

"Well, I hope you'll save me a dance." He winks at her. "I wouldn't want the prettiest girl in the room to be left on the sidelines."

"Don't worry. I won't be." She bites back. "I'm sure my date and I will be busy together for most of the night."

His eyes darken and he leans closer to her. "Well tell your date that he's just made himself our next victim." His voice is low and menacing, showing us that he's not joking.

"Oh I'm terrified." She says sarcastically.

"You should be." He growls and casts me an evil look. "See you at the ball."

Life choices (Remus Lupin Marauders era)Where stories live. Discover now