Chapter 5

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I look at Dumbledore with shock, he's not going to tell me off or anything?

"How has it been so far?" He asks again.

Good. I smile and sign, Dumbledore weirdly knows a lot of things, sign language is one of them.


Most of it.

"What hasn't gone well?"

Teasing, the book burning, we're learning about vampires in DADA. I list.

"I'm sorry to hear that. How is that all going?" He refers to the vampire thing.

Ok. I have to feed next week though.

"Ok, there's deer in the forest."

Thank you.

"What are your plans for the future Imogen? What do you plan on doing?"

I like herbology. I thought I might continue that.

"Yes, the teacher mentioned that you liked the subject, why is that?"

Keeps me calm.

"Understandable." He smiles and picks a key off his desk. "This is a key to the greenhouse, our new teacher, Miss Sprout, could do with a bit of help at times. You're free to go in at any time."

Thank you so much. I look down in awe at the key he just placed in my palm. Thank you.

"Don't mention it. You'd be doing me a favour." He smiles down at me. "Now off to class."

I smile and thank him again before heading off to get my books and going to DADA. I pre write on my board an explanation why I'm late before class so I won't have to stand there and write it in front of everyone. I carefully slink into class and show the teacher the note. He nods and searches for a place for me to sit. There's an open spot next to Alice but he doesn't seem to notice that.

"Go and sit at the back, next to Mr Lupin."

I gulp and shuffle forward to sit next to him. Someone sticks their leg out of the aisle and sends me flying onto the ground. I ignore the laughter and scramble to pick all my books up. I place them on the desk and sink down into the seat, trying to be invisible.

He starts off with an easy section of vampires. I sail through the questions finishing in a few minutes. I look over to see Lupin struggling on one part of a question, the way it's worded in the text is confusing but it's basically the same thing. I draw out a pencil and carefully point out the part he needed to copy out, making sure the teacher doesn't notice I'm helping him.

"Thanks." He whispers lowly and starts writing furiously again.

I help him out for sections of the class. I usually do this to anyone I sit next to, if they know me or not. The teacher then moves onto a similar exercise on werewolves. At the mention of the topic I feel Lupin tense a bit next to me. Perks of having heightened senses from the vampire thing. He quickly and easily sails through the questions. Me? Not so much. He realises and points to his own answer. I take a brief look and change the wording, copying it down. I write a small 'thank you' in my book, showing him before erasing it. He flashes me a perfect smile which makes my heart flutter slightly. I push the odd feeling down, he watches as his friends hurt me, I can't like him. I don't like him.

As soon as class is over I get out of the classroom as quickly as possible and don't even bother to catch up with friends. They'll all just ask what Dumbledore wanted to talk to me about and I can't be bothered to lie really. I head straight to the next class, not caring about being early as its herbology. The teacher smiles and welcomes me into the greenhouse. Pretty soon everyone else arrives, Lily and Alice come over to try and talk to me. Saved by the teacher though, she starts the class before they can get a word in. Alice gives me a look and signs 'this isn't over. We're going to talk later.' I roll my eyes at her slightly and concentrate on the lesson. Thankfully the teacher calls me back after class. Alice shoots me a frown to which I smile breezily back.

"I understand you are the go to student for the herbology greenhouse. Dumbledore told me he gave you a key."

I nod and smile, taking out my notepad. I hope that's alright.

"Oh yes, don't worry dear. Just be sure to lock up and sort everything out."

I will, don't worry.

"Good good, sorry must dash now, I've got to prepare for my NEWT class tomorrow morning. See you soon."

I wave weakly and head out of the door, back to the common room.

Safe for now

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