Chapter 29

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Molly's POV

We all sit at the kitchen table, anxiously awaiting news about Imogen. Dad eventually comes down and we all stand up anxiously to hear what he has to say.

"That bloody school. She remembered what happened at the ball which meant that she blacked out and was unconscious for days." He says, sitting down and stressfully running his hands across his trousers.

"Everyone said it was an accident." Fabian frowns. "Why? What does she say about it?"

"Apparently not. Someone trapped her in there and let off lights around her, she associated it with the attack and..... Well, here we are." He scowls. "I'll have to write to Dumbledore about this. What has she ever done to anyone to bring this on herself?"

I turn to Gideon and Fabian who are anxiously whispering to each other. I narrow my eyes at them questioningly and they quickly shut up, avoiding looking at me and trying to seem oblivious. I wait until the anger settled over the room has dulled a bit before dragging them upstairs, making some form of an excuse about visiting Immy. As soon as we're out of earshot I round on them and demand to know what they do.

Fabian sighs. "We think we know who did it." He says regretfully. "We just don't want to tell mum and dad because they won't be happy with it."

"Who is it?" I ask him and when he doesn't reply I turn straight to Gideon. "Who?"

"Potter." He says suddenly, cracking under my stern, questioning glare.

"Potter? James Potter who was literally just here? I knew they didn't like each other but I didn't think he'd go as far as that. He could've seriously hurt her! It's not like he has absolutely no idea about what's going on. He knows something bad happened to us so why would they do this?" I babble angrily. "Why!?"

They shuffle awkwardly from foot to foot, giving each other looks as if to tell the other to  explain it. I just clear my throat angrily and they hang their heads in shame under my glare.

"He's mad at her because she left him." Fabian says reluctantly. "They were so close and then we packed up and left. She blocked everyone out in her first year and he resents her for that. He's still holding a grudge."

"They seemed fine last week though."

"That's because we think that Remus has a thing for her, that he only acts that way towards her because he's spurred on by the others. I think they're trying to figure her out a bit more, though." Fabian explains. "For him. They're trying to help each other get together. As much as they hate her, they don't want to see their best friend upset."

"And James is trying to get together with Lily." Gideon adds on pensively. "One of the ways to get to her is through Immy seeming as they're so close."

As much as I hate to admit it, they're right. We can't tell mum and dad, however bad it may be. They'll be heartbroken if they discover how awful the relationship between James and Immy really is. They're still stuck in the days when everyone was happy and played together like nothing mattered.

"So what's going to happen?" I ask them lowly. "Are you going to do something about it?"

Gideon nods confidently whereas Fabian looks less sure of their idea. I look at them expectantly, waiting for an explanation.

"Oh, right, well, we can't exactly use magic or pranks seeming as they are better than us in both those areas. Instead, we're going to try a muggle trick we read about." Gideon looks proud of his idea, smiling smugly at the thought.

I frown down at them. "Is it safe?"

They just roll their eyes at me. "Your boyfriend loves all things to do with Muggles and you're telling us to be careful about one little thing?" Gideon shakes his head in mock disbelief.

"That's a tad hypocritical, Mols." Fabian tacks on the end, forcing me hit him on the shoulder.

"Shut up and just tell me what you're going to do."

"How can we tell you what we're going to do if you want us to shut up?" Fabian quips.

I give him the worst glare I can muster up and he sheepishly looks down at the floor while Gideon just sighs at his twins antics.

"We're going to drop hints." He shrugs. "Get inside their heads. I think it'll be quite effective."

"Well don't you sound all knowledgable." I tease and pinch his cheek jokingly.

I head back up to me room and think about their plan for a while. It could either go incredibly well, or end drastically with both of their legs locked together in a body binding hex.

Actually thinking about it is kind of funny, sometimes, like when they hide a mountain of owl pellets in my room and then let our family owl loose in there. Yeah, from time to time I'd like to see them struggling. Hey, I'm their older sister, who can blame me?

After a moment of reflection on their idea they race away to start plotting and I head into Imogen's room to see her sleeping peacefully, her hair spread like a golden / ginger halo. I pull her desk chair up next to the side of her bed and sigh. She doesn't deserve a singly bit of this.

"Imogen? I don't know if you're subconsciously listening to me, actually listening to me or not listening at all, but I'm still going to speak. I just want to say, that out of all the people in the world, you should not have had to deal with any of this. I know that you're still the Imogen you were before, but you have to realise that you're not a monster and we will stand by you, regardless." I sigh. "And go for Remus Lupin. There are a lot of bad people in the world, but I know that he isn't one of them."


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been packing and doing all sorts of crazy stuff, also in nine hours I've got to get on a twelve hour flight back home. So here's an update for all those who like this book.

~ Molly xxx

QOTD : who's your favourite Harry Potter ship?

I don't have one really, but Neville and Luna just cut it as favourite :)

P.S. I forced my whole family to do the Harry Potter houses quiz, I'm Ravenclaw, mum is Hufflepuff, Dad is Gryffindor, and my brother is Slytherin. We're all the different houses. ^_^

P.P.S. This goes out to my 5 followers, luv u guys xxx

Stay awesome everyone, because u all are

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