Chapter 1: Angelic Power

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A child's scream of terror echoed through the house waking Stephen from his sleep; he sat up gasping for air when he instantly recognised the scream, "Alice." He whispered to himself with urgency, flipping the duvet off him; swiftly raising from his bed.

    His bedroom was dark, there was no windows in his room, in fact there wasn't any windows anywhere in their home. Stephen hastily grabbed from his seraph blade, he glanced back to his double handmade bed and saw that his wife had not been lying next to him. "Damn it Camael!" He grunted loudly to himself. The slim, muscular, with an almost perfectly symmetrical face man was running through his bedroom door, down a short corridor, his hand grabbing the doorframe as he spun round into his daughter's room. What he saw was something he never thought he'd see, not when his daughter was this young.

He saw his wife a beautiful woman with stunning long brunette hair, flawless skin, and liquid gold eyes to the shadow world but a sapphire blue in mundane world, pinning down his small petite, daughter, whom also had brunette hair but it was short four-year-old, and this four-year-old was fearful, her scream was piercing and deafening, he looked over his wife's shoulder to see a stele in her hand drawing a rune on Alessandra's arm. 

  "Camael, by the angel, what are you doing?" He questioned, his arms folding tightly.

  "I tried to tell you Stephen, Alessandra needs to get her runes now, she needs to train." Camael answered calmly and in control, which Stephen was the complete opposite right now, he couldn't think, his ears could just hear the echo of his child's cries.

  "Runes? Training? Camael are you listening to yourself? Alice is four for goodness sake! Shadowhunters don't get their first rune, Alice is a third of that age!" He realised he was yelling over his own child's scream.

He finally walked forward and pulled his wife back from his trembling weeping daughter, who clanged to him mumbling, "Daddy."

  Stephen instinct kicked in and he wrapped his arms around Alice, "It's ok Alice, I got you, let me have a look." He slid his eyes to glare up at Camael. Then his eyes moved to that top of his daughters once plain arm which was now marked with one large black rune; the rune looked like a diamond, the lines to make the top point continue to cross each other before both sides arc to point to the top of the diamond. The black lining was bold but thickest at the bottom of the rune.

   Stephen gently let go of her arm, holding her close, "Really Camael? An Angel Power rune already? You know how dangerous that can be, you could have turned her into a forsaken."

    "Do not talk to me like that Stephen, you have no idea what she is capable of, we need to train her young in case anything happens to us, especially with Valentine searching for you, if he finds out you have a family we are all dead, but he will start with Alessandra." Camael replies, in her calm, soft voice.

   Alice was tugging at her father's clothes, till she got his attention, "Who is Valentine? Why does he want to hurt us?"

  Stephen looks at his daughter, "Come with me, I will show you who he is." Alice jumps off Stephens knee and takes his hand, father and daughter walked hand in hand back to Stephens bedroom, as Stephen continued to talk to Alice, "And as for why he wants to hurt us, that is very complicating Alice, but Valentine is a rogue Shadowhunters, you remember the mortal cup I told you about?" 

  Alice walked along side of her father nodding, "The big beautiful golden cup that create more Shadowhunters, but you said if it used wrongly then it makes mundane's ill, sort of lose their minds, right?"

Stephen smiled proudly to his daughter, "Yes Alice, that is right, he wanted to use the cup in the wrong way, I stood by him for a short while, I thought he was going to try to find strong mundane's and use the cup on them but no, he didn't want to do that, he just wanted to make a many mundane's drink from the cup as possible, so I left, as did his pregnant wife, though Valentine didn't know his wife was pregnant with Clarissa."

Prophecy Of A Shadowhunter (TMI FanFic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now