Chapter 5: Lost and Found

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Alice lay's still on Magnus's sofa, she started hearing her surroundings, but her eyes didn't want to open, around her she heard two people arguing, she knew instantly who they were not only by their voices but what they were saying.

"Don't you think I feel bad enough? Do you not think that? Do you think I expected demons to come and attack me on the exact day that Alice was here?" the first voice shouted.

"It was your job to protect her not the other way around! Does no one around here see that she is just a child? A bloody well child!" the second voice bellowed angrily.

"A child with everything on her shoulders! Why do you think she came to me to talk? And not go and talk to her own father? The first voice replied with question upon question.

"I...I don't know." The second voice answered in defeat.

Alice just wanted to wake up and tell them to stop arguing over her, she was sick of people arguing over her, but the darkness took over her again.

* * *

Two days Later

Magnus was sat next to Alice and was making calls to institutes around the world. He sighed softly, tapping his phone against his hand, "Well kid, that is another few off the list, he is not in London or Edinburgh or Cardiff. So he isn't in Asia or Europe or in Australia or New Zealand, so that just leaves America, which is a bloody big place."

He sighed and put his head in his hands, "Alice, you should really be waking up, you have to be ok, we have to find your brother, and your father doesn't know yet, I thought I'd let you tell him after you found Jace. Oh and in case you were wondering where you father is I send him home, he was driving me insane, if he wasn't shouting at me he was crying or pacing or tapping and it really drove me crazy. You know he had the cheek to tell me how to do my job properly? He was all like 'are you sure you mixed the right ingredients? I mean why is she not waking up?' but he didn't just say it once he said it over and over again."

Magnus sighed softly again, then his phone rang, it was just a number, great someone I don't know, I cannot be bothered with prank callers. He answered anyways, "Hello, this is Magnus Bane; high warlock of Brooklyn." He said in a drained voice.

"Hello Magnus, my name is Maryse, I am in charge of New York institute, I have heard you have been calling around about a Jace Wayland, is that right?" the lady on the phone asked.

Magnus smiled, finally some good news, "Yes, that is right. Do you know his location?"

"I would like to know why you are interested in Jace?" She questioned.

Magnus rolled his eyes, but of course he couldn't say Jace had a sister so he said the next true thing on the list, "I believe that Jace Wayland maybe in danger."

"Where do you get that conclusion from?" She asked.

"I have a source that tells me that Jace may be in danger. My source is very reliable." Magnus replies as he turns to look at Alice.

"This source of yours what species is he or she?" She asks.

"That does not matter, all I know is what my source told me which was Valentine maybe looking for Jace and he may bring harm to him." Magnus replied and waited for a while, he knew by the silence that this Maryse knew about Valentine, which she should as everyone in the Shadowhunter world know about him.

"Valentine is dead." Was the response he got a few moments later.

"Oh I can assure you, he is not. So is Jace in a protected place?" Magnus grew impatient.

Prophecy Of A Shadowhunter (TMI FanFic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now