Chapter 6: Master Plan

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Adrenaline pumped through her body as she landed the jump. Her knees were crouched and her hand touched the ground to keep her balance. A smirk slowly appeared on her face. She looked up to how far she jumped, she had just jumped of a three story building.

She heard Magnus shout "No" she felt a pang of guilt hit her chest. I didn't want to hurt Magnus, I wanted to hurt my parents like they hurt me. Before either of them could catch up to her, she drew the speed rune on her arm. The speed rune looked like a backwards 'y' and more rounded than 'v'. Once the rune was activated she just ran and ran. She skids to a stop when she sees her brother ahead of her. Crap. She muttered she was instinctively following her brother without even realising it. What made things worse was that he was staring right at her, almost mesmerised that he had met the little girl again.

"Who are you?" Jace; the small boy with messy blonde hair asked, he was also wearing his black gear, the difference was he didn't have a single rune on his body.

Ah damn it, what have I got myself into now, she thought but just answered his question, "Alessandra" was all she said.

"I'm Jace, Jace Wayland, why are you following me?" He asked, he didn't seem alarmed that a little girl was following him just curious.

Alice very nearly said I know, to who he was, but she managed to keep that out of her answer, "I wasn't following you, I was tracking a demon." She lied smoothly, or was a lie? Alice didn't even know herself what she was doing.

Normally Jace would have laughed at that, but he knew what she was capable of, after all he watched this Alessandra slaughter a demon that nearly killed him. "And this demon...Where is he now?"

Without answering, Alice drew a dagger out, before Jace had a chance to even react, the blade was spinning over itself over and over, landing with a thud into the demons' heart. The demon grunted and spoke, "Valentine will have you Alessandra Herondale, whether you come willingly or not. You cannot protect...everyone." The demon taunted, then after a few moments he vanished back to his own dimension.

Jace looked at Alessandra both stunned and confused. "What...what did he mean?" Jace looked right at her.

"He meant I have no other choice." Alessandra replied walking passed Jace to retrieve her dagger.

At first Jace didn't understand, then a bomb shell hit him, "What you are going to him? Just like that?" He questioned.

Alessandra chuckled without amusement, "I wish it was just like that, he has been taunting me for months Jace, in my dreams, threatened everyone I know and care about. First he tried to attack Magnus then you. He only hasn't attacked my parents because he has no clue where they are."

"Why doesn't he just go straight after you and attack you?" Jace asked confused.

Alessandra looked at him, they were touching distance right now, she could see her father in Jace, it stunned her a little by how much they actually did look alive, Jace had his eyes, his body structure, even the way he stood. Alessandra turned away, "Because he needs me alive, he's doing all of this so I will join his side. He wants me as his weapon. If he wants a weapon, he can have one."

Jace's eyes widen stunned, "So you would go this Valentine just to protect the ones you love? It should be them protecting you. You really shouldn't go Alessandra." The way he said her name sent shivers down her spine, it was with care, he didn't want her to go.

Alessandra shook her head, "I have no choice Jace, look after yourself, will you? And please if you are going to leave the institute at night have backup."

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