Chapter 3: Memories of a Fairchild

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Magnus looks at his companion, "I hope you know what you're doing."

"I know you have had many centuries on this planet compared to me but this is one thing I do know what to do." She looked at him and smiled.

"How old do you think I am?" He asked tilting his head curious.

"Well, from seeing the flashing memories that I did, I'd say over 700, between 700 and 800 years old, though I'd say you are closer to 800." She smiles innocently, at Magnus's expression of impressiveness.

"Not too bad for a kid. Ok, well you best do your thing." He extended his arm out to signal for her to stand up.

She took her blue stele out of her pocket and looked back to her dad, "Do not distract me no matter what, it can be dangerous for us all if that happens."

Magnus raised his eye brows, and turned to look at the two waiting parents, "I would stand back a little bit."

Both Jocelyn and Stephen waited at the door. Alice looked at Clary and smiled encouragingly "Ready Clary? We can conquer our fears together, take a deep breath and close your eyes, then slowly breath out, think of happy things, what do you like doing?" Alice tries to keep both herself and Clary distracted as she draws the sharing rune on the back of her hand.

Alice lets a hiss escape her teeth as Clary answers, "Drawing, I love drawing, like my mum."

Alice smiled, "Drawing, that's exciting, think about that, what can your next drawing be?" Once the sharing rune was complete she shook the hand with the rune on as it stung.

She took her own advice and took a deep breath in and slowly breathed out as she draw the protected rune on top, letting gasps and little cries out. "Ali-" Stephen started but Magnus looked at him sharply shaking his head.

Clary finally replied, "I can see it, I know what I am going to draw."

Alice was nearly finished the protected rune, "Oh that good, you keep focused on that, make sure you get every detail that's in your mind."

Alice completed her rune, and turned to nod at Magnus, who took a step closer to her. Alice out stretched her hand and faced her palm towards Clary as Camael taught her.

Meanwhile Magnus was moving his hands in circular motions blue lights streaming from his hands towards Clary, whenever the blue ball of light connected to Clary, Alice received one of her memories. The room soon started to shake from the amount of energy that was within it. Books fell of the shelves; picture frames fell of the wall. It got so rough that the bookshelves fell over.

The rune on Alice's hand burned brightly, but also burnt Alice's hand. Clary's memories kept flashing through Alice's eyes. After several minutes the child was screaming breathlessly from the pain of the burn.

Magnus turned to look at her, he could feel the heat coming from Alice's hand, "Hang in there, kid. Just a few moments left."

"You can count on me, Magnus." She managed to say through her screams.

Another moment passed and everything stopped suddenly. The room had stopped shaking; the blue ball was nowhere to be seen. The only difference was; Alice was now on her knee's motionlessly. Her whole body was tremble, she looked at the rune on her hand, the 'e' and crescent moon was still glowing. At the moment she could see all of Clary's memories that was taken from her.

The first time she found a fairy that was trapped in the window, she kept playing the fairy wings, giggling about it. She must have only been Alice's age. When this happened.

Prophecy Of A Shadowhunter (TMI FanFic) #Wattys2017Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon