Chapter 24: Close Call

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Just wanted to apologies for how long it has taken for me to add this. I had a huge writers block and didn't know which way i wanted it to go. I have not figured out if this is the final chapter of this book or not. I will either continue writing on this book or I will make a second book. What do you all think?

Jace sat in the library unable to sleep, he was so worried and so scared he would lose his sister forever, she looked so hurt, how can someone endure so much pain? She is only 14 yet she can endure so much pain.

He must have let his thoughts slip through the bond because Magnus replied. She gets the strength from the people she loves most, if she didn't have you then she probably would have given up by now and died back in Idris, but she knew she had you, she fights so hard because she wants to get to know you, as soon as she set eyes on you knowing that you were brother she wanted to know you; probably why she ended up instinctively running after you that night.

Yeah I know but she always tries to save people, I feel useless, I just want to protect her and I can't because she is more powerful than me and she doesn't need my help but I always need her help. His voice filled with sadness.

Jace, you help me more than you realise. Alice spoke, she sounded extremely tired. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have the strength that I have, I fight so much knowing I can come back and get to know my brother. It isn't just power that kept me alive, it is will and love. I love you Jace, you're my brother. I promise when I get back you can look after me, well alongside Magnus. Then I will rest until I fully heal. She smirked. Then we can kick some ass together.

Jace sighed in relief at least she was alive, she is so strong she must have made it out, or she is back in that dungeon. Where are you Alice?

No idea, in the middle of the ocean somewhere heading west, I am letting Jocelyn sleep she is exhausted. Shame I can't do the same thing. She chuckled softly then winced.

You can sleep all you want when you get here, longs you wake up eventually. Jace added making sure she understood what he meant. So glad you made it out of their though. When do you think you'll arrive?

Alice hesitated looking at the sky, then sun was setting. If I stay at the speed I'm going I'm hoping in the morning, if I start to slow down probably noon. Alice turned to her side as she heard something. Oh you have got to be kidding me, wish valentine would get over me already, no chance he is getting me. She thought forgetting they the bond was open.

What do you mean? What has he done now?

Sent flying demons after us.

What? How are you going to kill them if you are carrying Jocelyn? Jace questioned worryingly.

I have no idea; I'm going to have to outfly them. I'm going to cut the bond of for now ok? I love you brother.

I love you too sis. Jace replied then he was cut off from her. He sighed deeply then walked to the training room, he couldn't take this anymore never knowing if she was alright, he had to train take his mind of it for now before he went crazy.

* * *

Alice just blocked her mind off and looked down at Jocelyn, "Hang in there." Then she was hit by something, she dropped Jocelyn tight in her hold. Her wings fanned back out then flew, she felt the water splashing as her wings hit the ocean. Jocelyn's back now soaked, Alice flew back up. The demons were laughing at her. "Nice try but rather than laughing you should concentrate on what is heading towards you." When one of the demons looked at her, she saw a fireball aiming straight at him, Alice had shuffled Jocelyn weight to one hand. That was when she came up with an idea.

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