Chapter 14: Training Coming to an End

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Raziel and Alice were sitting at Alice's dining table, she was eating breakfast, well she was about to until she realised she forgot a spoon, "Ugh, really?" then glanced at her uncle and grinned, "Can I?"

Her uncle chuckled nodding, "Go on, you have extreme good control of your powers now Alessandra, it has only taken 10 years, I expected it to take a lot longer."

Alice clicked her finger, a spoon appeared in her hand and she smiled before spooning a mouthful of cereal in her mouth, after chewing and swallowing her food she replied, "10 years is a long time Uncle Raziel, especially to the mundane side of me, I am 14, I missed my childhood."

He reached over and took her hand, "I know, I am sorry, but you know you had to come and do this, to protect everyone." Then he grinned and added, "You are 140 in our world, mine and your mothers I mean."

Alice dropped her spoon in her cereal stunned, "No way? Is that why you made such a big deal at my 10th birthday? Gave me loads of awesome weapons with our angel crest on? Because I was 100?" When Raziel gave her those weapons, she instantly was drawn to the family crest. Their crest was quite stunning, a circle with wings spanning from it, above the circle was flames and underneath it was water, in the middle of the circle was just the letter S which represented their surname, 'Shadowhunter'.

Alice had looked at their crest for ages smiling, Raziel told her that they had the most unique crest of them all, they were the only angel to have a silver circle, all the others had bronze or white, the circle represented how powerful their family was, no family had ever had a golden circle, that was only for the deadly powerful families.

Raziel nodded, smiling, "Yes, passing 100 is quite the milestone as an angel, many angels die from trying to control their powers, many of us are talking about you, we are stunned at your abilities and your control."

Alice picked her spoon back up and began to eat again, "Wait, you talk about me? Hey this isn't fair, you all talk about me, you all probably thought I was going to fail didn't you? I bet I proved you all wrong, hey you didn't put bets on, did you? You told me angels like to do that."

Raziel sat back and folded his arms, Alice stared at him, her mouth hanging open, "You did! You actually put bets on me, what were the bet's?"

Raziel sighed deeply shaking his head, "It wasn't my fault or my idea, but hey your niece I had to stick by you, the angels were split about you though, especially when you were a baby, they were unsure what to expect from you, then when you helped Magnus take the memories of Clarissa, many of them thought you were going to die, said you were too stubborn, that you should have stopped sooner, they expected you to die in your sleep. I told them no chance, I told them that if you were stubborn enough to finish your mission then you would be stubborn enough to survive the after math and I was right, I have always been right about you."

Alice was no longer hungry, she folded her arms tight, "You bet on me since I was a baby? That is terrible, I thought angels were meant to believe in people? Instead most of them didn't believe in me, thought I was going to die." She slammed her hands down standing up furious. A few years ago, if she had done that the table would be on fire by now, but now she was in total control, not a single flame grew from her hands, "Well I showed them, didn't I? I am going to show them what I am darn capable of, and I swear they are going to regret not believing in me."

Though Alice was shouting at Raziel, he just watched her hands, he was surprised that not even a single flicker of a flame came from her hands, it was his last test for her, it was the one part of her power that she had trouble with controlling, especially when she got angry like this. They had to focus of the hand powers for 5 months and she has finally got control of it. Raziel couldn't help but think, well that was a lot shorter than most of the bets, now that my girl.

Prophecy Of A Shadowhunter (TMI FanFic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now