Chapter 37: Final Fight

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Since I didn't update yesterday I thought I'd give you a double update.

Alice looked at Valentine, she was exhausted, but she managed put a shield around Valentine.

Sammael looked at Alice through completely different eyes, as if something was lifted from him, "You're from the Shadowhunter family?" Then he realised something, he didn't feel pain anymore. He looked down and saw there was no wounds, he looked over Alice another time and realised everyone wounds were on her. His eyes widen.

"No! Heal yourself!" Sammael begged her, kneeling by her side holding her.

"You don't even know me..." Alice say softly. Looking at him with soft eyes.

"I know the King, well knew the King, I know he put me in prison but I know he done the right thing, what I done was wrong. He could have killed me and he didn't, now I have betrayed him by attacking his family. Please Princess....please heal yourself." Sammael looked at her through teared eyes.

Alice looked at Sammael, "My name is Alessandra, I do not have the energy, that blast took the last of energy."

"Princess Alessandra, you cannot die by my hand, you can bond me with." Sammael was desperate to help her survive.

Valentine yells banging against the shield, "Bitch! Let me out here and fight me!" he punches the shield.

Alice and Sammael just ignored him, Alice looked at him in the eyes. "I am already bonded with my uncle...The King."

Sammael's eyes widened, "No! No! Then you definitely cannot die, the King cannot die by my hand! Bond the shadowhunter way then. Please. Let me help you."

Alice smiled a little, "You be bonded with all of the young shadowhunters and a warlock over there." Alice's eyes turned for the first time to look at her family and friends. Jace was in tears, Alec holding him back, Clary trying to comfort him. Magnus was just staring back at her theirs find each other. The eyes simply read, 'Fight!'

Alice nodded once to him, Sammael looked to who she was looking at, "Magnus? Your bonded with Magnus?" Alice nodded once, before pushing herself of the ground and out of Sammael's hold. "Princess Alessandra? What are you doing?"

Jace was watching Alice all of a sudden his tears stopping. Alec let go of him as Jace had stopped thrashing about.

Sammael felt a little sting on his arm, the Angelic Bonding rune was on his arm, he grinned a little. "You're a fighter Princess." Alice held her arm out for Sammael, he quickly drew the Angelic Bonding rune on her arm. Their hands slamming against the runes, Sammael cries out in pain at first, as he felt all of Alice's pain, when Alice was healed he looked at her and saw only scars.

"Damn your strong Princess, to be able to feel that pain." Sammael spoke before backing away from the fighting ground, walking and stands beside Magnus. A very old friend of his.

Valentine was shouting at Sammael, "You are a traitor!"

"Actually, he was just coming home, he used you to get home. Like the gullible rogue you are, you fell for it." Alice spoke, obviously it was all a lie, if she wasn't the Princess of Angels she would be dead by now.

Alice let the shield around Valentine drop, as soon as it was gone he ran towards Alice his eyes full of hatred and anger, Alice just stepped aside and tripped him up. "You should have listened to my fighting lesson when I was 4, Valentine." Alice hissed.

Sammael looked at Magnus confused, Valentine took Alice when she was 4, he promised to train her, she had two training lessons, but most of the time she was here she was tortured by Valentine's son, Jonathan. Then she found out that Valentine was putting demon blood in her.

Prophecy Of A Shadowhunter (TMI FanFic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now