Chapter 25: Angel Realm

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Thought I would do something a little different with this chapter, I hope you all enjoy it. I have also decided it isn't quiet the end of this book. Hope you all enjoy :D

        Raziel returned to his realm when he ensured the institute was secure, he looked around and Camael ran to him throwing her arms around him. "Thank you brother."

He wrapped his arms around his sister and smiles softly. "She is family, you know how I protect my family, but I won't be able to do it every time, it would be unfair on the Shadowhunters she is with."

One of their fellow angels shouted, "You wouldn't have had to save her if she wasn't so weak."

Raziel was in front of the angel in seconds, "Weak? She has made her family proud, unlike your son, who still cannot control his element and he only has one! Remind me how old your son is?" He was purposely shouting and making a scene to make a point about his Niece.

The angel gulped hard, and muttered "364." Looking down embarrassed by how weak his family was.

"Was that 364? How old is my niece? She is the most powerful hybrid ever, she caused a lightning storm, she is the first ever to bond two elements together and survive, not even I could hold her power in my hands. She made her family's crest gold and it even added a new element of lightning. So you dare call my niece weak." Raziel's were glowing more gold than ever with fury. "No more bets on my niece!" he yelled turning to look at everyone else.

"You don't have faith in her anymore?" the annoying embarrassed angel spoke out of line again.

Raziel just smirked, "I have faith, I have a lot of faith, so much in fact that I know she could kill you in seconds if I pushed you into her realm, and you spoke to her like that."

"No hybrid could ever kill a full angel." The angel spat back.

"She nearly killed me, if she wasn't my ally she would have killed me, if she didn't draw that angelic rune on me I would no longer exist, you didn't feel the power that comes of her. I saved her because she is the only one that can kill that rogue. You all can think she is weak, but like always she will show you how strong she is, the age of 14 and she has killed more demons and is more skilled than the young Shadowhunters of New York Institute, she has been more skilled of them since she was four, she kept memories safe when she was four, yet you always underestimate her. In fact, let the betting's proceed, who will win, Alessandra Shadowhunter or Valentine Morgenstern and his demons."

"What is your bet then?" the angel in front of him asked.

Raziel grinned, "Easy Alessandra, she is too wise for Valentine. She knows the different between strength and knowledge and ability, she knows how to use weaknesses as a strength."

"If he takes her brother then she would sacrifice herself for him." The angel getting all cocky thinking he knew everything.

Raziel laughed as did Camael, "If he took her brother that would be the stupidest and probably last thing he will ever do on the plain, why do you think he has never touched Jace yet? Even he knows how stupid that would be. When she was laying there when everyone thought she was dead, no she wasn't, she was screaming in agony but planning at the same time, she has a plan and I know it, and it is genius. Valentine has no chance."

Camael looks at him, "What is her plan, brother?"

"I will tell you in our building, not in front of all these angels." He looks around glaring at all the angels that didn't believe in his niece. Then headed to the temple, which looked like an ancient roman temple with pillars all around the end and a smaller rectangular building inside all made of gold. At the back was a massive statue of Raziel with his wings fanned out proudly with his sword in one hand and a shield in the other. No one knew that his and his sisters place was actually under the statue. He pulls his stele out of his pocket then gently placed it at the base of the statue which moved back sliding across the floor, steps leading down into his secret planning place.

Prophecy Of A Shadowhunter (TMI FanFic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now