Chapter 12: Alice's Abilities

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Jace looked at Alice who sighed deeply, before yawning and stretching, she actually did feel exhausted, the connection herself and Jace had really drained her energy. Jace saw her tiredness and wrapped his arms around her protectively, stroking her hair.

There was a silence in the room after Maryse's stubbornness, Jace and Alice were looking at Magnus who were looking back at them. "Are you three communicating in your mind again? Stop! Stop it! What did you do to Jace, you monster?" Maryse blurted out, pointing to Alice.

Alice was furious at the statement, at the name she called her. "Monster?" was all she said, heartbroken. Tears came to her eyes, " think I'm the monster.?" Jace tried to hush her, to try let him explain, "You have no idea what I have been through the last 5 days."

Jace and Magnus corrected her at the same time, "5 months."

Alice didn't even hear them correct her, her voice was full of pain, heartbreak and exhausted. "Do you know what it is like to be tortured? Do you?" When Maryse was stunned silent she asked again her voice rising, "Well, do you?"

Maryse shook her head, "No... no I don't." she said hesitantly.

Alice lost it, she was sick to death of this woman accusing her of being a monster, when all she done was protected the people that she loved "I suffered the torture so my brother, your adopted son wouldn't get taken from Valentine, so he wouldn't have to endure the pain I did, I took the pain so I could get the information I needed so that I could save people. I didn't only have to take the physical pain, but the emotional pain...trying to keep my block on my rune that connects me to them so they wouldn't hear my screams, so they wouldn't hear the thoughts I was having, every time I was unconscious, thinking about just letting go, letting Jonathan take my life, but then I thought about the frigin promise, that I would come home. That one frigin promise kept me alive and fighting to give you the information you need to be one step ahead of Valentine...and what do I get when I come home? I get grief and accused of being a monster! You are an ungrateful piece of work and I sure wonder if you could have survived what hell I have been though." Alice was breathing heavily; she didn't realise how much anger she had inside of her until that moment, she was so angry tears were streaming down her face.

Maryse's eyes just widened, she had gotten it all wrong, she had thought Alice was working with Valentine when really she was protecting the people she loved, guilt filled her body and how much grief Maryse gave her for nothing. Alice just got off the sofa and ran out of the living room and into the bathroom locking the door then began sobbing her heart out.

"Look what you have done now! How you have children of your own I do not know Maryse?" Magnus shook his head in disgust and walked to find where Alice went to hide.

Jace looked at his mother in disgust, "What is wrong with you? She was just tortured and...and raped. She just murdered her attacker and she doesn't know whether it was the right thing to do, on top of that Valentines main plan was focused on her...I actually hate you."

* * *

Alice heard a knock on the bathroom, "Alice, it's Magnus can I come in?"

Alice just sat behind the door, for the first time in a while she just wanted her parents, but where were they, "I want my mum and dad. Where are they?"

"I...I don't know, last time I talked to your father I told him I never wanted to see him again so he is probably home. Maybe you can call home?" Magnus tried to be helpful though he knew this would be a bad idea.

Alice turned to open the door, "Can...can I borrow your phone?" She asked her face red and blotchy from crying, she whipped her tears away. Magnus just nodded and handed his mobile to her.

Prophecy Of A Shadowhunter (TMI FanFic) #Wattys2017Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα