Chapter 8: Valentine's Son

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Alice woke up, but didn't open her eyes, she didn't want to open then because then she knew that she would have to deal with everything, she would also have to think of a plan on how to escape, which she had no clue about considering she didn't even know where she was, she didn't know how many demons were around, nor did she know how big the perimeter was. As she thought of all these questions to herself she realised that she felt a presence lying next to her, she also realised the person was talking to her.

"I know this is will be scary for you...well I don't actually, I have never been through what you have been through but you are the perfect candidate for my trial, to see if I can make a half angel half demon, I would have to work on a Shadowhunter that is young like you are, so that you will grow with the demon blood inside you, so that you can control it, so that it doesn't control you."

There was a pause, Alice felt the bed shift as the person moved around, she felt her hair being moved out of her face, it took everything in her not to jump. Then the voice continued, "I asked around to see if there was another way, I didn't want to experiment on a child, because you see I have a son, he is a bit messed up you could say, he is demon too. He doesn't seem to see the light in anything, he is just darkness, but are the opposite Alessandra."

There was movement again, the hole bed moved, then the mattress seemed to spring back up, which made Alice assume he got of the bed. Alice worried he wasn't going to speak anymore, but she was wrong, he did continue, he continued as if he was talking to her directly. "Sorry, I thought I heard something...where was I? Ahh yes, that's right... when I was watching you all I could see was brightness, all you see is goodness in everything, I wonder if you will see goodness in my plan. I know my son does, but he just loves to hurt people."

The voice seemed to move around the room, then by the sounds of his feet he was pacing as if he didn't like what he was about to say. "he loved it when he tortured you, I didn't like watching it to be honest, he laughed at your pain. Then you soon became immune to the pain as if you didn't feel anything and then he just got bored of you, like he couldn't hurt you anymore, so he wasn't interested. He is only interested in hurting people, so I will send him on those types of mission but I can send you on the intelligent mission, the type to scare but not hurt them sort of missions at first you won't want to work for me, I do not think you ever would, not willingly, you are too pure hearted for that, but when you drink from the cup, the demon inside you will abide by all of my requests and you will not be able to fight my commands, then again you have surprised me by how strong you are already."

The bed moved again and the mattress moved next to her, he was lying down next to her again, he stroked her hair softly. "My son thinks I favour you...I keep telling him that it is nonsense but it is true, I do favour you, I see so much greatness in you and you will be on my side."

Alice couldn't take listening to any more of his crazy plan, but she couldn't just open her eyes or he would know that she was listening to him, so instead she stirred and groaned, she rolled over and jumped sitting up quickly acting as if she had no idea he was there.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, I was going to wake you up, but you looked so peaceful so I thought I'd let you sleep a little more. How are you feeling?" Valentine asked, he was laying on her bed like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Oh umm..." I am completed disturbed, that you watched me sleep and that you talk to me when I sleep, can you not just tell me all of this when I am awake? Pervert. She thought in her mind but replied, "I am feeling better thank you, so what is the plan for today?" She sat next to him trying to act natural with him being so close to her, the only other time she was this close to someone was when her father fell asleep next to her after the first day meeting Magnus.

Prophecy Of A Shadowhunter (TMI FanFic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now