chapter 21: Betrayal

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Isabelle was on the hunt for her brother. "Alec?" she called as she walked to the kitchen. He wasn't anywhere to be seen, she had already checked the library, training room and now the kitchen, which left his room.

She wondered why he wasn't helping his parabatai look for his sister, he swore that he would fight by his side, now he was betraying that promise. It seemed to take for ages to walk to Alec's room, she knocked on the door before walking in, Alec was sat in his room looking down at his hands.

"What the hell are you doing? Jace is losing his mind, he needs his parabatai by his side." Isabelle said expectantly, she expected Alec to already be by his side.

"This is all my fault." Was all that Alec mumbled under his breath.

Isabelle frowned and shut the door, "What are you talking about? How is all of this your fault?"

"I told him where she was, I put doubt into mother's mind, Alice is gone, Jace is breaking because of me." Alec glanced up at Isabelle, and saw the horror in her eyes so looked back down.

"Why?" she backed away, "You are working for Valentine? You chose him over your family?" she was yelling, opening the door again, and runs down the corridor.

Alec was hot on her heels, grabbing her wrist pulling her back, "No! I am can't tell Jace."

"Can't tell Jace? Why? You basically handed over Alice to our enemy." Isabelle basically yelled.

Alec put his hand over her mouth, "No I didn't! He was going to hurt Jace if I didn't tell him."

"Jace can look after himself, all he wanted was his sister to be ok, he stayed by her side every single day through the process she went through and you go and betray him like this, then you expect me not to tell him? Which dimension are you in Alec?" Isabelle yelled. "I am going to tell Jace everything."

Jace walked around the corner with Clary, he stops and frowns as he sees the lightwood siblings having a massive dispute, he left Clary's side and jogged in between the siblings as it looked like they were going to break into a fight. "What is going on here?" He looked at Alec, "Tell me what?" He turned to look at Isabelle.

Clary just stood and watched back at where Jace left her side. "Your parabatai betrayed you-" Isabelle started to say until she was quickly interrupted by Alec pleaded "Izzy please don't." his eyes were so pained, and full of regret.

Jace looked back and forth between the siblings, "What did you do?" he looked Alec in the eye, he hadn't seen his parabatai look this guilty in his life, so it must have been bad, part of him didn't want to know but if Isabelle even wanted to tell him then it must be important.

Alec looked from Jace to Izzy then back to Jace, a voice spoke but it wasn't either of the siblings, "Stop it! All of you, ganging up on him isn't going to help the situation, everyone needs to take a step back and calm down before you carry this conversation on."

They all turned around to look at Clary, who now looked sheepish, but by her surprise all of them listen to her, Alec and Isabelle took a step away from each other, Jace took a set back, looking at Clary, "What do you suggest then Clary?"

Clary walked up to them all and looked at them, "Well having a dispute in the middle of the corridor is never good, but since we are all here, Isabelle is going to explain first, then let Alec try to explain his reasoning then Jace you can decide what you can do with what you were told; no interrupting when someone is talking at all."

They all just nod, Clary gestured for Isabelle to start talking. "As you know I went looking for Alec, he was in his room and he said it was his fault Alice was taken, he told Valentine where she was and he put doubt in our mother's mind so that she would take you away from Alice."  She explained calmly, though she was furious inside, she didn't know why or when but she had grown to like Alice.

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