Chapter 7: Good or Bad?

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Alice woke up, looking around, she couldn't move, she couldn't sit up, she couldn't move her legs. All she could move was her head and her hands, thought she couldn't move her hands much, her wrists were pinned down by shackles. She looked down and her ankles were the same. She looked around to what she was lying on. She noticed dry blood, she gulped a little. A torture chamber? She thought, she looked around some more and sort weapons all around the room.

Then she heard a voice from behind, which she recognised instantly, Valentine. "Ahh, so you are awake. Great, I thought I went a little too far with the...well you know, lessons."

Alice couldn't remember anything, but suddenly her body could, she looked down and there was cuts and bruising all over her body. She slammed her head back against the head rest. "Oh now, now don't be hurting yourself, if you wanted pain all you needed to do was ask." Valentine chuckled.

"Why are you doing this? Is this why you wanted me? So you could practice torture techniques?" Alice questioned.

"No, not at all I am making you stronger, soon you won't even be able to feel the pain when I cut into you. You are already improving, you used to pass out after around 5 minutes, which I mean is still good for your age, but now you are at half an hour." Valentine smiled at his handy work. "I told you I would train you, but first you need to be stronger, so I thought I'd help out with that."

Alice lifted her head back to look at him, "I do appreciate the help and all, but who is going to torture me none stop for 30 minutes? Well except you of course?"

Valentine leaned over her, "Well, if you get caught by the clave, which I really do not plan on that happening, they will torture you, they will bring the silent brothers in, and trust me they hurt like hell. So I am preparing you, just in case."

Alice looked at him, "Very kind of you." She said in a sarcastic tone, "How long have I been here anyways? My body is numb from not doing anything, plus you haven't even given me a tour of this place?"

Valentine looked at her, his eyes light up, "three days, and yes your right, how rude of me." Valentine takes her shackles off. "Easy goes when you sit up, it may hurt a little, after all I cannot make you invincible." He carefully and gently rested his hand behind her neck as he helped her sit up.

There a small pang of pain but it was tolerable. Valentine smiled, "Not too bad eh? You are stronger than I thought, I am glad you are not in too much pain, I do not like hurting you, you know? It is just for your own good." His voice was soft, even caring.

Alice slid of the wooden torture bed, turned around to see it stained of blood, "Is all of that mine?" she asked.

Valentines voice was behind her, she didn't realise until she heard his voice that he was actually holding her up. "Yes, I am sorry Alessandra. I hope you can forgive me for it one day."

Alice turned around thinking he was playing his mind games but when she looked in his eyes, she saw sadness, regret and even pain. Wow, I wasn't expecting him to be...well like this. "Someday...I might, but please can I just have a normal room? You know with a comfy bed, and windows? I mean that would be a start."

Valentines eyes lit up again, could Alice see happiness in his eyes. "Come on, come on I have made sure your room is perfect, I think you will love it!" He walked to the door, he seemed excited to show her.

Alice started to walk she took a step but her legs gave way, she expected to hit the ground, instead arms were around her. "I got you." He picked her up, and carried her in his arms. "One step at a time, maybe I did go overboard with that lesson, but hey now I can cook your food and you can sleep in your own room, which is right next to mine, you know just in case you need me."

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