Chapter 38: Don't Leave

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First of all; I would like to thank you all so much! This book has reached 1k reads! I never thought that would happen!


Jace hadn't slept, hadn't eaten, hadn't spoken to anyone except Alice, hadn't left Alice's side except once. It had been two weeks since the war and Alice died. The clave has congratulated everyone in the institute, they didn't even say anything about Alice. They didn't know about her. That was the first and last time that Jace left his sisters side. That was a few days ago.

"How can they not even know you Alice?" Jace asked stroking her cold expressionless face. "We only won the war because of you." The memory of few days ago just rose to the front of his mind; the first time he left her alone, the first time he spoke to anyone other than Alice.

"Jace, come on, you are being summoned by the Clave you cannot keep them waiting." His mother called for him. Jace didn't move, he has been severely depressed since Alice's passing. Maryse opened Alice's door, "Jace, you can come straight back to the room when they are gone, they want to congratulate us all."

Jace reluctantly stood up, kissed Alice's forehead, moving a strand of hair that fell out of place to behind her ear. "I will not be gone long sis. I know you can hear me, please wake up soon, I miss you so much."

Jace followed his mother to the library, everyone was already there. The member of the clave looked at him, giving him an odd look which he didn't even register.

"Is that everyone Maryse?" One of the Clave spoke to Maryse.

"Yes." Was all Maryse replied.

"We just want to congratulate each and every one of you for taking out the enemy, Valentine Morgenstern. I am disappointed that we were not informed of the matter. There would normally be severe punishment for going on such a large mission without informing the Clave, but since there was no one injured at all, which I must say is very impressive, then there will be no punishment." The clave member spoke.

Everyone except the Clave gave Jace a glance, they could see he was going to burst, and they were not wrong, "No one got injured? At all? My sister won't wake up! My sister is laying in her bed not breathing! You say none of us got hurt, we did! My sister saved us! We would have been dead if it wasn't for her, it should have been my body on that bed not  hers! You should not be congratulating us; you should be finding a way to wake up my sister!" Jace yelled with anger, his hands in fists which were trembling with anger.

"Your sister? Who might that be?" The clave replied calmly.

"Alessandra Sh-Herondale!" Jace replied, he very nearly said her angelic name.

"There are no records of an Alessandra Herondale." The clave spoke.

"Of course not! she was hidden! Hidden away from Valentine! Her...our father died protecting her! He had to forget her to keep her safe! Of course there are no records because all she ever done was save our asses over and over and no one gave her any credit!" He yelled, then walked out slamming the door.

He heard Maryse apologising explaining how hard of a time he was having, but he stormed back to Alice's room.

Jace was brought back to the present time by a knock on Alice's door. "Jace? I was wondering if you wanted to train some?"

Clary's voice says from behind the door, Jace sighed softly, she seemed to be the only one that knew he didn't want to eat or sleep so she always asked if he wanted to do other things, "No, I want to stay here. I want to be here when Alice wakes up."

Prophecy Of A Shadowhunter (TMI FanFic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now