The Nerds The Gang

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(Alex p.o.v)

I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed. The scars of my neck were showing. I pulled my band from my hair and my light amburn hair fell on my shoulder. I'm Alexandra Brooke, a typical 17 years old girl with a dull blue eyes, from my mom and light amburn hair, from my dad. My parents died in an accident and left me with my younger brother, Josh and sister, Lily.

Josh is 10 years old while Lily is 6 years old. Me being the eldest had to work harder for them. They're lively and energetic but sometimes it gets on my nerve. Don't get me wrong. I love them. I love them that I would sacrifice my life for them but the stress on handling an abusive and anger problem manager is stressful. I sighed again and walked into my bedroom, waking up my little two pumpkins that were asleep on my bed.

"Wake up pumpkins. Come on." I called quietly. I watched the little boy with pretty dark amburn hair with darker blue eyes yawned as the little girl squirmed with her amburn hair covering her face. She got a pretty dark blue eyes like Josh. They looked like mom and dad each day. I smiled softly. At them.

Josh rubbed his eyes and yawned again. His face lit up as soon as he saw me and jumped into my arms. He snuggled into my shoulder and let out a contain sigh. I chuckled and shook my head. I nudged Lily and she moaned. She's quite a heavy sleeper. I shook my head and picked her up.

I pushed open the door and I let Josh down. I told him to go and cleaned up while I pick out their clothes. Josh obeyed and ran into the bathroom. I nudged Lily and this time, she's finally awake. I smiled when I saw her hair, sticking out everywhere. I told her the same thing and she obeyed after saying a good morning. They obeyed my words and I was glad that they aren't naughty. Yet.

I guess they knew what kind of situation we were in. I made their breakfast while they're cleaning up. When they smelt the breakfast that I made for them, they ran down and thanked me before they eat. I stared at them while they gulped down the food. Josh looked at me and frowned.

"You're not eating again sissy." Josh said and pushed his plate to me. I shook my head and pushed it back to him.

"You eat Josh. I'm ok." I smiled at him. My heart warmed when Josh noticed I'm not eating. I'm skinny but there's no enough food with the pay I got. I needed to pay the bills and I don't have enough money to buy food for the three of us. Robert, my manager is a cruel and sick bastard. He only pay half of my paid and I can't argue since I knew he would use violence to silence me. I can't quit my job. I needed the job to raise my brother and sister and Robert refused to let me leave. He threatened me that if I leave, tell anyone or call the police, he would do something to my brother and sister.

I rubbed my temple uncomfortablely and cleaned up the plates. I took them to the daycare centre and elementary school. They waved me a goodbye and ran inside. I can't afford a car and it took a half an hour to walk to school. I walked slowly, not that the teacher or students would care about me. I'm the nerd in the school and I don't fit in 'their' circle. Not that I mind actually. When I walked to the front gate, I saw them again. The Nerds.

They're actually a group of nerds and they don't really talk. They only talked to the person who's in their circle and nobody even dare to mess with them after the incident. There's one incident that said Jake, our school jock messed with them and the next day, he begged his parents to move. Since that day, rumours had been spreading, saying they had back up or so. Our school is not like the others. Instead of handsome jocks, The Nerds are more handsome than the jocks. They gave me the mysterious and dangerous vibe even when they're nerds, like they're hiding something. Well, from my opinion anyway.

Even though their facial were hid under their big nerdy glasses, I saw through their faces and eyes. I was known as the observent. My parents told me before that I had good eyes and I observed them even though most of the time I did it for fun. I knew them even if they hide it. I don't really care about that until my parents were gone. I walked in the school gate as soon as the bell rang. The Nerds were looking at my direction and I snapped my head up, meeting with Trisha and her group flirting with the Nerds.

I rolled my eyes and walked the other direction. The Nerds are the only one who rejected Trisha and her group. No one are able to reject her body. She's practically the school slut. I overheard her conversation in the toilet a few days ago. She made a bet with the jock, Ben, saying that she would make the Nerds fall on her feet and sleep with her. She would pretent to be a nerd from that day on and asked them questions. I punched in my locker numbers and dropped my book in. I pulled out the one I needed and slammed it shut.

"Alexandra?" I turned my head and met with green eyes, Ms. Salvor, my English teacher. She's the only teacher who knew me and talked to me. She would helped me as much as I can but I would always reject her. She's single and she's happy about it. I don't talk much at school but I talked to her. People assumed that I was mute when I don't answer them. I nodded at her and gave her a smile.

"You ok? You looked a bit pale and you're getting thinner." She frowned a bit. She knew about my manager and my financial problem. I shook my head and smiled a little.

"It's ok. I can handle this." Before I could reply, she pulled my hair back and my bruises were shown. I sighed and my shoulder slumped in defeat. She always know when Robert laid his hands on me. She sighed and dragged me to her office. When she opened the door, I was met with the Nerds. Yeah, they were smart and hardworking, of course they would be in their class early. She ran through her things and she picked it up and tossed it to me.

"Apply it for a few days and the bruises will be gone. I will write you a report for the teacher." She smiled. I nodded and quickly took my books and ran out. The Nerds make me nervous inside even though I was calm and cool. Eight of them were always together. Dylan, black hair green eyes. Sho, blue hair dark green eyes. Noah, brown hair with black eyes. Aiden, black hair with light brown highlights and blue eyes. Anthony, red hair green eyes. Kaden, blonde hair blue eyes. And there's Damien and Brayden. They were best friend.

Damien had dark blonde hair but with light brown highlights. His eyes were dark blue. Brayden had purple hair with black eyes. Oh... Did I mentioned Aiden and Kaden were brothers? I went to the bathroom and applied the cream. There's more bruises than I thought. There's on my upper arm, my stomach and my neck. After applying the cream, I pulled down my clothes and ran to my class, earning curious eyes from my teachers.

The day went by slowly as usual and soon, lunch came. I sat under the tree like normal and seperated myself from the others. I took out my book and flipped through the pages and found where I left off. I leaned back to the tree and read. I love the feeling of being outside the cafeteria. It's calm and silence. I find my peace in my own world. I felt someone's gaze on me and I looked up, curiosity kill the cat. My eyes met with his eyes. Damien.

He wore an unreadable facial on his face and his glasses were small framed. His eyes made my stomach fluttered with butterflies and my heart skipped a beat. I smiled softly and looked down, ignored his gaze and continue my story. My stomach growled painfully, begging me for food but I had learnt to ignore it. My face showed no pain and my hand started to shake a bit.

My eyebrows knitted together and I sighed, rubbing my temples. How long had I skipped my meals?

Sooo.... What do you guys think?





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