Chapter 26 (Damien p.o.v)

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It's been three days and finally I'm ready to go! Chase told me not to stress myself out but I'm fine actually. Ant knew our plan and we're doing it tonight. Our plan was distract Max and Ron while Ant and I will climbed into Alex's room and talked to her. I was excited and anxious just like Ant.

Chase was looking through his paper and he took a quick glance at me. Now I looked like a kid getting his favorite present from his parents.Chase smiled and put down his clipboard. Ant was beside me with Issac. My gang and my parents were in the room with some nurse who tried to hit on me.

“You're ready.” I whooped and pumped fist in the air. There's only tingles of pain on my chest but I ignored it. Chase chuckled and shook his head. Mom came and hugged me and congratulated me. I smiled and thanked everyone but I can't stop thinking. Ant and I were thinking the same thing, the same person. Alex. We can't wait to see her. I wanted to see her so badly.

We will do anything including waiting just for Alex.

(Alex p.o.v)

I stared out the window with my finger's trying to rip the bandage out from my wrist and palm. My right shoulder was bandaged since Rick broke my shoulder. My palm and wrist were itchy and I can't stop until the bandage is off my hand. When I finally riped off the bandage, I started to scratch on my wounds. My wounds started to bleed again. My eyes wandered to my wounds.

I had lots of bloody red lines on my wrist and hand while my knuckles and palm were bruised and bleeding. I felt no pain. It's all my fault. I brought trouble to them and I don't deserve them. I can't do this. I can't see them. They will hate me. Jenny will hate me for putting her son in the hospital. Anthony will hate me for putting his brother in the hospital and so on.

I'm not strong. It's all just a lie. It's all just an act. Why didn't I stop Damien and Anthony? Why didn't I jump infront of Rick? I can't have another person die on me. Not my family. Not my precious. I continued to scratch even though I felt dizzy. The door opened and I don't bother to look.

“ALEX!” I heard Max yelled and soon I was picked up and someone's grabbing my hand, stopping me from scratching anymore. My eyes were not focused and I just stared blankly at the wall. I can't lose Max. I can't lose Ron. I can't lose Lily or Josh. I can't lose... the twins. I felt Max cleaned my hand soothingly and cautionly.

“Alex... Please. Stop it. We've just changed it an hour ago. Please stop hurting yourself.” Max pleaded. My eyes wandered to Max. He looked so helpless and pained. I can't help but wanted to pour out everything. I leaned closer to him and he immediately caressed my hair with my cheek laying on his shoulder.

“I'm... scared.” I whispered. Max carried me to my bed and placed me on his lap. He cupped my cheek and made me stared into his eyes.

“Why Alex?” He frowned but I saw relief crossed his eyes since I'm talking to him.

“I can't lose annyone. I... felt like.. it's my fault...History is repeating itself.” I whispered quietly.

“What do you mean Alex...?”

“Mom and dad died... I was there. Shake's friend died... I was there. And now.. Damien almost died.. and I was there.. I can't stay an--” I didn't even finished my sentence before I was pinned down by my own brother glaring at me with tears in his eyes. He was careful about my shoulder. I felt dizzy.

“Don't you ever blame yourself Alex. It's not your fault! Mom and dad's were in an accident and you're young. You don't know what to do. Shake's friend, they deserved to die Alex. They got for what they did! Damien.. He's alive. In fact, he's coming home safely today. Rick shot him to show his anger, not your fault.” Max mumbled quietly stroking my cheek.

“I'm the one who provoke him... Or else he won't hit you and Ron.. He won't shot Damien and Anthony..” I whispered. Max shut up. He knew I was right. He can't deny it. He sighed and he pulled me into a hug. My eyes still staring blankly in the air.

“It's not your fault. We don't blame you. You just did to make him admit. We're the one who teach you that so it's fine. It's our fault..” He said. No matter how many times they told me it's not my fault, I can't stop thinking it's my fault. I felt tired and I want to stop everything. Can I stop thinkng...?

I closed my eyes and I fell into a deep slumber with the guilt eating me alive.

(Ron p.o.v)

I watched as Max walked down from the stairs which made me jump from the couch. I saw something that broke my heart again.. Blood on his hand and shirt. I frowned as I watched him walked into the bathroom and started to wash the blood off.

“W-What happened..?” I asked with a shaky breath.

“She unwrapped the bandage and started scratching it... She kept on blamming herself and she told me..”

“She talked to you?” I gasped. She hasn't even tried to talk to anyone not with us and now she's talking to Max?

“Yeah.. She told me she's scared and blammed herself shit again. She told me..” He choked a sob. “She watched our parents die. She watched Shake's friends die and now she had to watch Damien almost die.” Max said looking up to me.

“She felt all those death is her fault. She thought she caused it.” I stated. Max looked pained but slowly nodded his head. I gritted my teeth and cursed. Just then, the door bell rang. Max sighed and we walked towards the door. I guess it's the guy or the gang... I opened the door and did not expect Chase. He supposed to be here tomorrow.

“Chase?” Max asked in a surprise tone. Heck, I'm surprised too. But Chase doesn't looked good. He was panting and he pushed us away and ran upstairs. What's going on!?

“Chase!? CHASE!!” We yelled. He stopped and he turned towards us.

“S-Sorry. But I just found out Shake had been planning something since Sam saw him. H-He's trying to do something but I don't know what!! He connected all the dots and everything that had been happening right now it's his plan. All of it is in his brain.” We watched as he talked like a maniac. I don't understand what he's talking about.

“Chase.. What are you talking about?” We asked. Chase cursed and ran upstairs. We watched as he barged into Alex's room without knocking. We ran into the room and we froze. I don't know what to think. What's this.. What's going on...? Alex...? Our eyes widen and Max shouted with so much rage. I crumbled to the ground and gasped. H-How....

Oh man, how I love cliff hangers! <3 Hehehe.. Everything will be explained on the next chapter! Guess what happened to Alex??? 





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