Chapter 2 (Alex p.o.v)

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My day went by like usual and it's time to pick up Josh and Lily. I walked out the school gate and made a slow walk towards their school. As soon as I reached their school, I saw them playing with the other kids. I smiled and waved at them when they saw me. Their face lit up and they ran towards me.

"Sissy!!" They yelled and jumped into my open arms. I giggled and twirled them around. They screamed in joy and hugged my neck tightly. I laughed and put them down. I gave a small nod at their teacher and I took both of their hands. They wrapped their tiny fingers in my hands and we walked back home.

"And and we draw together!" Josh said happily. They were telling me their day and I was sweating a bit. The pain was getting worse and my legs were getting weaker. I thought for awhile, it's been three days since I've ate. Before my legs collasped, we reached our home. They ran inside and I grabbed the stairs for support. I slowly walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a few pills to subside the pain.

I stood there for awhile and the pain slowly subsided. I sighed in relief and the kids came down bouncing. They smiled at me and they passed me a bar of chocolate. My heart warmed and I giggled.

"We got this for you sissy." They replied unisonly. I laughed and nodded, thanking them and grabbed the chocolate bar. We sat on the couch and I broke the bar into three pieces. We shared and they were snuggling into my side. Soon it's time for my job. I told them to go into the safe room not before kissing them at their forehead. They obeyed and ran into the safe room. The door slid open and they turned around to look at me one more time before waving me goodbye. The door slid close and after hearing the beep, I relaxed.

The safe room is built for emergency and safety. My parents built this room, afraid that if anything happened, we would run into this room and even burglars can't get in. The room had a small room that is connected to the field outside our house, just in case there's a fire. I put them inside and there's no one I could trust, I needed to work so I had to put them in there. They knew every function and I'm glad. But I'm still worried about them.

I walked into the Jim's Dinner, placing my things in the locker and put on my uniform. I worked as a waitress and yes, I talked. Just not at school. I worked from three to eight at night. I served the rest as normal and some of the customers even greeted me. They were old customers and they were mostly old married couples. I smiled and served the plates.

Then the bell rang, signaling there's customers. When I was about to turn around and greet, my voice was stuck. My mouth was gapped open. There stood was eight Greed Gods. I can bet every girls were drooling over them. They wore black leather jackets and black boots. They wore silver chain around their neck and their tattoo on their arm were shown when they took off their jackets. Everyone gasped in shock. They were the BlackPanther gang.

They were the fearless gang ever. Every girl shoved their boobs up and tried to flirt with them but failed. The employees shoved their boobs too and pulled up their clothes a bit and walked towards them, swaying their butts. I made no attemp to treat them since the waitress were too busy flirting with them. But then, Robert came out with two trays of food. He shoved it to me and a cup of hot water accidentally burned my skin. I hissed and bit my lips.

"Bring it to them." Robert scowled. I nodded my head hesitatingly and walked towards the table. I placed everything on the table and my hand's burning. When I was about to walk away, someone grabbed me by the hand and I held in a yelp. When I turned around, I mentally gasped. No way. Even though they've changed their appearance but I will never forget their eyes. THE NERDS! How come they were in a gang!?

He grabbed my hand and I saw Brayden dipped a cloth into a cold water and passed it to Damien. Damien nodded and slowly wrapped it around my wrist where the burn was. When he's done, I quickly pulled back and mummured a thanks before running off to do my work. He's going to get me killed!! Robert were glaring daggers at me for flirting with the nerds even though I didn't. He would always say I flirt when I speak to a guy. And there's my employees. They were glaring at me and giving me dirty looks. My heart hammered in my chest.

"Alex, office NOW." Robert growled. My face paled. Oh no... I knew what he's going to do. Before I could answer, he grabbed my hand and pulled me away. At the corner of my eyes, I saw them looking at us and girls were smirking. He shoved me in the office and I cowered in fear. My eyes widen and I pressed my lips together when he stalked towards me. He slammed me towards the cabinet and his books and files fell. I yelped as he grabbed my hair and slammed my head to the table. I felt light headed.

My head started to spin as I stumbled when he punched me and kicked me in the stomach. I cried out in pain and I gasped when he kicked me over and over again. I coughed and coughed.

"I told you bitch.. No flirting!" He stepped on my bruised stomach and I screamed. He put in more pressure and I cried. He slapped me and spit on my face, leaving me bruises with fresh cut and blood. Before he could grabbed the door handle, the door swung opened and revealed a very angry looking Damien and his gang. I never felt so relief before but I could not move. I couldn't even feel my fingers.

Damien's eyes met mine and suddenly his eyes flared with anger. Robert looked shocked and scared shitless. Noah pulled back his fist and punched Robert. He cried out in pain and my vision started to blur, my chest faling up and down rapidly. I couldn't heard what's happening but I heard talking, whisperes, beating and before I fainted, I was carried into a warm and broad chest.

"Wake up.. Can you hear me Alex? Wake up.." Someone carassed my cheek. This person's fingers were tender and smooth, made me wanting more. Then he tried calling me again. But my eyes were too tired...

"Sissy!" Is this a dream? Why am I hearing Josh and Lily's voice.. I felt someone crawled beside me and snuggled deeper. Warms radiated from them and I immediately knew it's Josh and Lily. On my instinct, I wrapped my hands around them and I sighed in content even though my eyes were closed and my body ached in pain. Their tiny fingers wrapped around my neck and I felt into deeper sleep.

I woke up feeling pain everywhere but it all vanished when I saw Josh and Lily cuddling each other on me. They were so cute right now. I mentally 'aww'ed. I looked around and saw I'm in the hospital and my face paled when I remembered about Robert. Right then, the door opened, revealing Damien (in his leather jacket). He smiled at me when he saw me awake. He looked tired and tensed.

"Hey.." His silky voice flowed the room. I blushed a little.

"H-Hey..." I mumbled. He chuckled. Ooh.. His chuckle was like music to my ear. Then we fell into an awkward silence. I had a lot of questions in my head. What happened to Robert? What about my job? I looked at Damien. His eyebrown were knitted together and his hands were clentched into fist. He looked so tensed... I bit my bottom lips, deciding... whether to ask him or not. I nibbled it and exhaled.

"Erm..." His eyes met mine and my heart flipped. I could get lost in his eyes forever.

"What's your name?"

Do you think he would tell Alex oorrr... leave?





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