Chapter 4 (Alex p.o.v)

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I've known The Nerds while I'm in the hospital. Brayden and Damien visted me a lot and the guys were like my brothers. They treated me like their sister and they're like my brother. Chase looked happy with them being my friend even though they were in a gang and they were all boys.

Sho is good at seeing through people at lying and telling the truth. Aiden and Kaden were the fighters, they knew each other's strategy, making that as an avantage when it comes to fighting. Noah, the trainer. He trained everyone in the gang and Dylan was a messanger. Anthony was the smart geek, he hacked. He and Dylan worked together. They would took their information and placed them together piece by piece.

And there's Brayden. He's second in command in the gang that makes him the best fighter. And Damien. He's the leader of the gang and he's famous at his fights and killing. When they mentioned about killing, they shot me with answers like 'We don't kill the innocent!' 'We do what we needed to do!' 'Those guys deserved it!' I eventually laughed at that.

They only kill those who don't pay and bad guys you can say. I was shocked when Chase told me he made a bet with Aiden that me and Damien would ended up together. I was more speechless when I knew Damien's trueself.

I'm going to bet, you and him,” Chase pointed at Damien. “Will ended up together.” I choked on my food and spited at Kaden. Kaden screamed like a little girl and faked glare at me. I smiled apologeticly at him as he pulled his shirt up and tossed it to the side. His perfect abs were packed with muscle and I mean, damn, they were all trained!

Chase!” I blushed. They laughed at me and I turned my head at Damien. I was shocked when Damien blushed and stucked his tongue out at them. My eyes widen and my jaw dropped.

Did Damien Hunter just stucked his tongue out?

The guys saw my expression and they went into another fit of laughter. I blinked and blinked again at Damien. He just shook his head and wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled into my tummy.

You're warm..” He mumbled. I was still speechless. Damien, the guy who was strict, cruel, dangerous and serious, the gang leader, quiet, cool and breathtaking, the nerd was actually a big softy and a kid behind!? I giggled and ruffled his hair. And I guessed right. He had the same exppression as Josh. He pouted and combed his hair back with his fingers.

I giggled at that memory. I was wating for them today, the day I got out of the hospital. They as in The Nerds or the BlackPanther gang. They voluntered to pick me up. All this time, they were the one who took care of Josh and Lily. I was grateful to them and they were kind once you know them.

“Hey little bear.” Damien chirped. I giggled and stood up, hugged Damien.

“Hey teddy.” I smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I saw the boys looked shock. I raised an eyebrown at them.

“You guys ok?” I asked softly. They seemed to snap out from their daydream and nodded stiffly. They smiled and shook their heads. They hugged me and the brothers even twirled me around. I laughed and they put me down. Then I was tackled by Josh and Lily.

“Welcome home sissy!” They yelled. I laughed and stood up with them hugging my leg. I giggled at their cuteness and kissed their cheek.

“Hey! Where's ours?” Noah and Sho complained. Josh and Lily stucked their tongue out at them and I laughed. I scooped them in my arms as they squealed in laughter. They giggled and climbed behind me. I bounched them and the guys were looking at me with amusement and shock.

“Never knew you the quiet nerd has a happy and funny side.” Anthony teased. I raised an eyebrown at him. I am always happy.

“I'm always happy.” I answered. The guys snorted, even the kids rolled their eyes. Am I the only one left out...?

“Your eyes showed that you're tired, stress and troubled. Yes, you are happy but only with the kids.” Aiden and Kaden answered. I stiffen a little but never showed. Sho knitted his eyebrown together and stared at me. Then he groaned and we stared at him.

“You're the hardest person to see through! I can't even read your emotions!” Sho exclaimed. They stared at me and I stared at them with a blank expression. I shook my head and sighed.

“I'll take that as a compliment.” They laughed as I rolled my eyes.

They took us to the nearby shop for some ice cream, much to the kids delight. They started to drool when they saw the ice cream the guys bought for them. They even bought some for me. I was touched since this is the first time being noticed by people from my age and them treating me kindly. I almost cry but held myself. I remembered dad used to buy ice cream for me too. Mom and I would always whined for ice cream. Dad just laughed at our whining.

I watched Josh and Lily ran around the park with Dylan, Aiden, Kaden and Anthony as I sat at the swing. Sho, Noah, Brayden and Damien sat beside me and they swung their legs back and forth. I leaned my head on the chain and I got lost in my thoughts. I imagined my family here and we were playing together. Mom and dad watching Josh and Lily grew up and we laughed together happily like a real family. But the time doesn't allowed us to play anymore. It's getting dark and Brayden shook me out from my thoughts.

The boys sent us home which I was grateful for. Dylan and Aiden were quite attached to Josh and Lily. Josh and Dylan were chatting about footballs and stuff while Aiden was telling Lily about his sister. Kaden just rolled his eyes and kept on telling how annoying his sister is but I can see through that he love his sister more than Aiden.

When we reached our home, we thanked them before stepping in our house. They waved us goodbye and we watched them leave. The kids ran off and my smile disappeared. I knew. I knew that this relationship is not going to last. They're only kind to me since I'm hurt and helpless. Everything would be back to normal after today. Tomorrow, I would be the loner and nerd. They would be the cool nerds.

I sighed and turned away from the door. I cooked some food for Josh and Lily and do my things. I went and catched up with my homeworks but stopped. I was having fun with them. For the first time after my parent's death other than Josh and Lily. I sighed.

I striped and do my business and I prepared the hot bath. I stared at myself in the mirror. My body were covered with scars, all because of Robert. Tears brimmed my eyes as my fingers traced the longest scars on my shoulder. I let out a quiet sob and stared at it. The scar that I got from the accident. I teared my gaze from the scar and did a quick bath.Before I went to bed, the only though went through my mind is everything's going to be the same.

Whadaya think?? Now everyone knew Damien's true self. A little child personality. *Laugh* I will try to update as soon as I can.





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