Chapter 20 (Alex p.o.v)

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"Hey buddy." He greeted Josh and Lily. Josh just gave him a plain nod while Lily waved timidly at him. He laughed.

"Soo... Got a new change for a girl?" I asked wiggling my eyerbrown. He scoffed but smiled. We walked towards the backyard with Lily on my arms and Josh beside me.

"Kind of?" He answered like a question. I laughed and shook my head.

"Who is she?"

"Nah.. I'll introduced you when I get her." He said smiling. I sighed, Uncle Richard is more to a player. I hoped this girl would stop him from hitting more girl. We talked a few more minutes before interupted by Brayden. We bowed and said our goodbye as I sent him back. Everyone gave hugs and waves before they went back.

"Am I still allowed in the gang?" William asked from behind me. I turned and faced him. He looked serious, totally not the player and jerk anymore. I saw The Nerds coming out from the house.

"If you promised not to do anything tricky then that's a yes." He stared at me for awhile before smiling at me. He bowed and his fist went to his heart. I froze, this is the sign of submitting to us in our gang. And William never submit to us before. He looked up and nodded at me before leaving.

"Am I dreaming?" I turned and saw Max and Ron looking at me wide eyes. I knew. I was thinking the same thing. The Nerds and Sam looked confused but we were too frozen to think of anything.

"Wow." That's the only thing that came into my mind. I ran my fingers through my hair when Josh and Lily tugged my jeans. I cleared my throat and nodded at him, making William smiled. 

"Yes honey?" I asked smiling.

"I'm hungry.." They whined. I laughed as I ruffled their hair. I grabbed their hands and pulled them in the house but stopped infront of The Nerds. I flashed them a smile.

"I'm cooking. Wanna stay for lunch?" The Nerds looked at each other before Damien nodded. I nodded my head and went into the kitchen. I placed both of them on the counter as I went to the fridge and tried to find something to cook. Max and Ron kissed my cheek before helping me out with lunch.

We had this habit during lunch with my brothers. They would kissed my cheek before helping me with lunch and I was glad that they didn't leave me. I was smiling the whole time I made lunch. I'm happy that Josh and Lily got their brothers back too. We finished our lunch with The Nerds and I was amused when my brothers got along with them.

"I would like to be an ally with you." Damien stated. I froze and stared wide eyes at Damien then my brothers. I didn't know what to do or how to act. My brothers don't usually just agree. They were staring at each other, no doubt that they were discussing through their eyes. I rolled mine and huffed.

"Sure." They said casually. My jaw dropped slightly. Did they just... agreed to be ally with them? They usually refused but them? Max and Ron went to their office and took a piece of paper downstairs. I watched as they signed the papers. I sighed. Sam sat beside me and stared at the papers.

"What's that?" Sam asked.

"Contract. We need to make sure that they don't break the rules and blah blah blah." I rolled my eyes. Sam giggled and we talked more as they talked theirs. Josh and Lily went upstairs to do their homework a few minute before. Sam and I were so bored, ended up playing with the remote, switching channels and channels. But while switching channels, I saw some news that interest me. I watched the reporter ran around, intervewing a police. Before I could continue, Sam changed the channel.

"Go back." I demanded.

"What?" Sam asked me with a shocked face. Yeah, I never demand them before.

"I said go back. Fast." She was staring at me. I groaned. Before she could ask further, I grabbed the remote and switched back the channel. My heart stopped beating when the reporter reported news that I refused to hear.

"--minutes ago and we believed that Shake Jonathan, who found guilty for raping and abusing a few years back had managed to escape from the petrol of the guards and police. I am Alice Oliver, reporting live." My eyes were wide open and my breathing came out as gasping. I choked on my breath and I started to cough. No no no no.. This can't be happening. This shouldn't happen!

I felt dirty all again. I started to wipe my arms and leg with my sleeve and I heard shuffling and shouting. I whimpered and tears gathered in my eyes as I scrubbed my arms rougher. Someone touched me and I screamed. All I could hear was their laughter and the pain. Oh gosh.. The pain that I felt that night. I screamed again as I broke down into tears but I was enveloped into a hug. I screamed, cried, hit and do everything to push that person away from me but that person won't move. I whimpered and closed my eyes.

"It's me Alex. It's me. It's ok. We're here. You're safe." My hands immediately wrapped tightly around Ron's neck and I whimpered in his neck. His hand slowly went to my back and I flinched when our skin touched but I kept reminding myself that it' Ron. It's just my brother. My cries subsided but I was still shaking.

"It's ok.." Ron whispered as he picked me up bridal style. As soon as my leg lifted the floor, my hands tighten around his neck. He moved his thumb around my back soothingly. I opened my eyes and the first person I saw was Josh and Lily. They were looking at me worriedly and they ran towards me.

Max opened my room for us. Ron carefully put me down on the bed but my hand refused to leave his neck, just like that night... Ron stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.

"We're here. We're not leaving. We're not leaving..." He kept on mumbling while he peeled my hands off his neck. I whimpered and tears gathered my eyes when my hand leave his neck. Before I could register what happened, Josh and Lily climbed onto my bed and snuggled into me. I don't care who it was but I wrapped my arms around them, feeling the warm radiating from them.

They wrapped their arms around my waist and my neck. It felt weird but their warm and figure calmed me down. Before I knew it, I fell asleep with them snuggling into my chest and me calming down. But someone woke me by telling me something that make me felt protected and relieved..

"We promised to be here for you, Alex. We're not leaving you again." Ron whispered, kissing my forehead.

"We will protect you from him and everyone who wanted to hurt you." Max whispered beside me and gave me a hug before leaving. I gave them a small smile before falling into my sleep again.

Ooh yeah, cliff hangers! I guess some of you knew who's Shake eh??? =D





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