Chapter 31 (Damien p.o.v)

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“What...” Max breathed in shock. Not him only. All of us were in shock. We stood there did nothing until Ant's legs gave out and he fell to the ground with his mouth gapped open. I walked towards him and I bet if I didn't kneeled down, my legs would give out like Ant. We were holding each others hands for support. Mom was sobbing into Steve's chest.

Nobody believe what we heard.

Our Alex.... was paralyzed. Max yelled and punched the wall, waking the kids. Max was breathing hard while Ron just stood there frozen. Josh and Lily saw their brothers in bad state and they walked towards them rubbing their eyes with their knuckles and hugged their legs. Max looked down to Josh while Ron looked down to Lily. Both of them had tears streaming down their face.

From Josh and Lily's face, they knew something's wrong. They started to pull their eyebrown together and looked worriedly at their brothers. Max and Ron hugged their younger siblings to their chest as they sobbed their hearts out. I didn't knew I was crying until I felt cold on my cheek. Ant sobbed and pulled his knee together and cried in his arms. All this while, he's been the one supporting me while I cried. I hugged Ant tight to my body as he cried.

It hurts to see my own twins cried. Issac ran towards Ant and cooed him like he did to me but nothing could heal us. We failed to protect her. We wanted answers but we're too afraid to ask. When I looked up, I was shocked to see Chase crying and he had the guilty look plastered on his face.

“H-How...” Ron asked shakily. He leaned back the wall and slided down with his arms around Lily and eyes staring at Chase. Chase sniffled and cleared his throat.

“The b-bullet hit her spinal cord. It cracked.” That's all it took for us to cry again. He doesn't have to say anything, we all knew what that meant.

She can't walk anymore.

One week later....

I was standing in the bathroom with the water splashing on my body. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall freely. It's been a week since Chase told us the news. Max and Ron stayed with her everyday and slept overnight in the hospital with Josh and Lily. We were forced back home to bath and eat even though we wanted to stay with Alex and we had no apettide.

She was still laying on the bed, closing her eyes and her body stayed still, not moving. We had skipped schools since the gang stuff happened and we were allowed to with our good grades. The gang were shocked to know that Alex's paralyzed and my gang went to visit her everyday with gifts. Lots of them visited Alex and some even placed some balloons in her wad.

I sighed and turned off the water and wrapped a towel around me. I opened the door and saw Ant sitting there nothing but a boxer. He just had his shower and his hair was dripping wet. He was staring at a picture. Picture of Alex. I went to his side and sat beside him as we stared at the picture longingly. She was smiling like usual with her light amburn hair flowing freely down her shoulder. Her blue eyes were shining with happiness. Her lips were spreaded in a big smile.

“Beautiful..” We mumbled. We leaned on each other and ignored the sound of door opening. Shirts were thrown over us and we looked up and Steve was staring at us with a sad smile. I stood up and dried myself up and put on my boxer, jeans and T shirt. Ant did the same. Steve looked at the photo and smiled. He grabbed our hands and we looked up at him.

“She's a fighter like you said. Maybe she will be shocked for knowing the news but she got us, mostly both of you. We will help her through this. Let her know that she's not alone... Damien, Anthony, do you love her?” Steve asked.

“Yes.” We answered unisonly without hesitation. Steve smiled and nodded. He patted our shoulder and stood up. Ant and I stared at each other. We do love Alex but..

“Will she forgive us for being late?” Ant questioned. I nodded and we stared at Steve. Steve shook his head.

“She will.” Steve said with confidence. That's all we need to see Alex. Then mom rushed into the room with a phone in her hands. She was breathing hard and tears falling. Steve walked towards her and soothed while she smiled at us.

“She's awake...” We didn't let her finish her sentence as we rushed towards the car. All we could think is she's awake. Alex's awake but our smile were wipped off when we remembered that we need to tell her that she's paralyzed. We drove to the hospital and we jumped out from the car when we reached the hospital. We ran and we bumped into the nurses and doctors but they don't mind since they knew us from us staying overnights for days.

We slammed the door opened and we stood there panting. Max and Ron turned their heads and their eyes had knowing looks. We walked there and there she is. She looked as beautiful as ever. Her bruises were healing slowly and most of the cuts turned into pink lines but not her face scars. She met our eyes and we were scared. Her eyes were lifeless even though there's a smile on her face. The sparks we saw in her eyes were gone.

“Come on Josh, Lily. Give them some privacy.” Ron said. When Alex's looked at Josh and Lily, her usual sparks were gone. The sparks when she saw Josh and Lily. She smiled and kissed them goodbye. We waited until the door was closed and I gulped. Tears brimmed in my eyes as I looked at her. She's here. She's alive.

“Hey.” I bursted into tears and hugged her tightly to my chest. I sobbed and I felt she rubbing circles on my back. She's back. She's not going anywhere. She's here. I felt Ant hugged both of us and I felt complete. I pulled back and cupped her cheek, making her eyes met mine and I slammed my lips to hers. We kissed for awhile before I broke it off and Ant did the same.

“We missed you.” Ant mumbled on her lips. She smiled but her smile didn't reach her eyes. Part of her's missing. Ant and I shared a knowing look since he saw it too. We won't let her go anymore. We will do everything we can to bring back the Alex we used to know. We will not give up.

“Yeah... But you can leave you know. You can leave me alone.” Alex said while smiling. Her smile was forced and a pang of pain hit my chest. How could she think that. Ant cupped her cheek and kissed the scars on her face. I saw Alex trembled and she closed her eyes but I didn't fail to see her tears.

“It's ok to cry Alex. We're here for you.” Ant's voice was soothing and calmed but there's one feelings that's stronger that both of the feelings, love. Alex's lips trembled and it didn't took long for her to cry her feelings out. We held her as she cry.

“Why? W-why are you still here since I can't move!? I'm pathetic! I'm useless! I can't move!! I'm a burden Damien, Anthony! You can leave me alone! I will not blame you! I'm ugly! Why!? Why are you guys still here!!!?? Damn it!!!” She screamed as she cried. We soothed her and we stared at her. She looked so vulnerable in this state. We kissed her head and wiped her cheek. Our answers were simple.

“We love you Alexander Rosemarie Brooke.”

Whoa... I never thought that I've come this far..  2 chapters a day! Wee~ One more chapter to go =)





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