Chapter 16 (Alex p.o.v)

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I watched as Max and Ron stormed into our house and ripped the door open with a bang. Their nose flared and their gaze met mine. I stood there with a blank expression and arms crossing under my chest. Soon The Nerds joined in, they were panting and I caught Damien and Anthony looked concerned and mad. Max and Ron walked towards me with their fist clentched.

“Why the fuck did you turn?” Ron asked with his anger rising. I just stared at him and shook my head. Damn, they make me feel guilty.

“WHY THE HELL DID YOU RUN AWAY ALEXANDRA!? DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRY ARE WE!? WE LOOKED FOR YOU EVERYWHERE, EVERY CORNER AND YOU!!” He stepped a step towards me. “YOU SAT HERE LIKE NOTHING HAPPEN!! DON'T YOU EVER LEARN!?” Once the last sentence came out from his mouth, his face paled. He regreted it immediately.

“We promised to never mention that again.” I said coldly.

“Alex, I--” He stepped a step forward as I stepped back. I closed my eyes and shook my head. Max hit Ron's head as he stepped towards me and pulled me into a hug. I sighed and walked up the stairs but stopped. I turned to the twins with blank eyes.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. They looked at each other, hesitating whether to answer me or not. I sighed again, walking up the stairs, not once looking back.

(Damien p.o.v)

Ok.. That was weird. We felt like we shouldn't be here, watching at Alex fighting with her boyfriends. I glared at them, feeling betrayed. I knew Max and Ron through gang business. We felt betrayed. We love Alex and when we walked pass the park and saw Alex having fun with Max and Ron, we lost it. We refused to talk to her, afraid that if we talk, we will spill out everything. Did Alex even know they were in a gang?

I clentched and unclentched my fist. What's wrong with all of them!?

“What is that all about?” Anthony asked. He was glaring at them too.

“You don't need to bother about my family business.” Ron hissed. That fast to family? We scoffed and turned our head. I noticed our gang looked paler than normal.

“What's wrong with you guys?” I asked. They shook their head quickly. Ron and Max cursed loudly and seriously, it's getting under my nerve.

“Dude, it's your fault for shouting at her. So get over it.”

“Shut up Damien.” Max grumbled.

“She's your girlfriend dude! Take care of her like a real man!” Anthony yelled in frustration while I nodded. Max and Ron stopped pacing and stared at me like we've grown two heads. Our gang were shaking with laughter except Brayden and Dylan who looked as confused as us. I stared at Anthony for answer. He stared at me too.

“Hold it.. You thought Alex's our girlfriend?” Max asked horrified. Anthony and I looked at each other and shrugged, nodding. Then Ron and Max started to burst out laughing. They laughed like there's no end to the world and I noticed Noah, Sho, Aiden and Kaden were laughing like them too.

They were laughing till tears leaked out their eyes and they were cluntching their stomach. After a few minutes, they all calmed down. But when they looked at our face, they went to another fit of laughter. Anthony and I groaned while rolling our eyes. Alex walked down with Josh and Lily.

“What's going on here?” She asked, staring at her 'boyfriends' and our gang. Her 'boyfriends' laughed and wiped their tears off their face. Max chuckled.

“Hey girlfriend.” Max stiffled a laugh. Alex frowned and looked around.

“What?” Alex asked frowning.

“Someone thought we're dating.” Just then, they went to another fit of laughter. Josh and Lily giggled while Alex looked at Max and Ron horrified and digust.

“Me and you!? Ewww!!!” Alex shierked. Then she glared at us.

“Who said that!?” Nobody answer her.

“Nerds...?” We looked at each other before raising our hand.

“You jerks! They're my brothers! Not my boyfriend!” Alex yelled. Our head snapped up. What? Brothers? So that's what they're laughing about? Oh great.. Now we felt bad. Hold it. My eyes widen at the same time as Anthony and stared at each other again.

“You're in a gang Alex?”

(Alex p.o.v)

“You're in a gang Alex?”

“Uh... N-No.”

“You're lying.”

“I'm not!”

“We knew Max and Ron! They were in a gang!”

“Them joining a gang had nothing to do with me!”

“Then why they told me before they're proud having a sister who knew how to handle the gang?”

I stood there frozen. Oh gosh.. now I had to tell them everything.. My life, my gang, my secret... I looked away, feeling dirty and ashamed. I grabbed Josh and Lily's hand and we walked downstairs. I ploped down the couch, all the anger towards Ron disappeared.

I played with my thumb as Ron sat beside me and wrapped his arms around me. He whispered a sorry as I leaned against his chest. I noticed Max gestured to The Nerds to have a seat. Before I could start, Josh and Lily came out from the kitchen with plates of food in their hands.

I laughed a little bit and helped them. The Nerds found weird having lunch before we talk and that's true. Josh and Lily just golped down everything like they're eating something new. I smiled..

But my smile vanished when I remembered I had to tell them. All of my embaressing story. How low my life can be. How shitty my life can be.. I could feel my eyes started to tear up but I blinked it away...






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