Chapter 19 (Sam p.o.v)

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     We watched Alex as she picked up her things and walked to the door, slammed the door shut with Josh and Lily behind her. I raised an eyebrown at the door. What's with her? I looked at Ron wth The Nerds. He just shrugged. 

     “Let her be. She needed to calm her head down before she went mad.” Max responded. We nodded our head as we continued doing the gang stuff. I really wanted to join in Alex's gang. They seemed nice and they don't do bad things. I know I will get in trouble one day but, where's all the fun? I needed to talk to Alex.

     The phone rang and when I looked up, Max was smiling. He was nodding to the phone and the door bell rang. Brayden went to open the door with Noah. Things started to get weirder. Once Max got a phone call, the door bell will rang. This went on for half an hour. Alex is not back yet and Brayden informed us that they were going to check Alex. Ron showed them the basement as we continued doing our things.

     After a few more hours, we went down and I freaked out a little when I saw how many people there is. Most of them were elders and teenagers. Max and Ron were greeting them and I was following behind them quietly. I looked around and saw everyone were chatting and they had a serious face on. Most of them had the same tatoo behind their neck.. I was too focused and I bumped into someone. 

     “O-Oh.. I'm sorry.” I mumbled, looking down. This guy had a broad chest and his muscle were showing. Before I could react, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to me. I squealed in surprise and my eyes widen at him. He had a blonde hair with his brown eyes. From his appearance, he's definitely a player.

     “What are you saying? What gang are you in? I've never see you before.” He mumbled, closing the gap between us. Some people were staring but their eyes told me that they see us as a couple. I groaned, pushed him away from me but he won't budge. He's too strong and built.

     “Can you get away? You're staring to annoy me and I'm not interested in you.” I growled, pushing away but before I could react, he raised his hand, ready to slap me. 

     “Put your hand on her face and mine will be on yours.” A familiar voice said from behind me and I never felt this relieved before. He stared at me before putting down his hand and his arms around my waist were gone. I ran towards Alex as she pushed me back, into Noah's chest. Noah didn't hesitated to wrap his arms around me, making a shield between me and them.

     “Ahh.. Alex. The daddy's princess. How are you?” The blonde guy said smiling. Alex's jaw clentched a bit but she put on a calm face. I noticed we were gathering a crowd. Max and Ron were glaring daggers at him. Alex clentched her fist and stepped towards him.

     “Say it again William and I'm going to make sure you don't have your gems anymore.” She said smiling wickedly. The William guy stood infront of her and I heard some people snickered and some people said 'He's stupid'. William smiled and tilted Alex's chin.

     “I would like to see you try.” After William said that, Alex grabbed her dagger and slammed him to the wall. Her dagger was on his throat. She slowly trailed down her dagger and she stopped at his famliy gem. William gulped. Most of the people laughed.

     “Who the hell invited him here and what's going on?” Her question is more to Max and Ron. They started to explain the situation to her and everything. Appearently, this was supposed to be their gang's meeting and her brothers invited those who wanted to join in again. They were here to join.

     “I invited William. He told me he joined this gang before and he's my boyfriend. So I think why not.” A girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes who looked not more than 15 said. Alex nodded her head and walked towards the girl.

     “What's your name?” Alex asked her.

     “Rainy. I'm 14 years old.” Rainy answered. Alex nodded her head.

     “Why are you here?”

     “I'm here with my parents. They said I should come and join the gang to protect myself.” Rainy said shrugging.

     “Do you want to? Joining a gang isn't for fun. It's not a place for you to come to when you're in trouble. It's not a place for you to hide when you are being chased. Yes, we are a big family but it's not like 'Oh, help me! They are chasing me.' Then when we settle the problem, you leave like all this is nothing.” Ron and Max said louder at the end of their speech, crossing their arms infront of their chest. Alex doesn't look pleased either.

     “Well, I wanted to but I don't know what I could do.” Rainy said.

     “Our gang is when you're in a trouble that you didn't cause or did anything that make them deserve it, we will help you. Sure, we used weapons, guns, knives and everything but we used it on good. If you asked us to kill someone, give us a good reason why that person have to die. You will help us with your intelligent and brains.” Alex said staring at Rainy. 

(Alex p.o.v)

     What the fudge did they think our gang is!? We are not a care centre! I watched as Rainy had second thoughts but I'm not afraid that she would change her mind. Well, I wished that she would change her mind. She's too young. I noticed I was still sweating and damn, I smelt disgusting.

     “You tell us your answer later.” Max said grabbing my arm while I grabbed Josh and Lily's as we walked away. The Nerds were looking at us so I just waved at them. I went upstairs and I took a quick bath. I sighed. We are so not a place for them to come when they needed our help. I wore my clothes with a ripped jeans and my daggers, knives on my thigh and waist. Josh and Lily were waiting for me on the bed.

     I grabbed their hand as we walked downstairs with them behind me. They looked calm about them but I knew Lily. She's calm and strong but she's scared. I scooped her with my arms under her thigh, I kissed her cheek. She smiled softly at me as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Josh tighten his grip on my hand when a guy walked towards us.

     “Hey. You're Alex right?” I nodded, raising my eyebrown at him. Who the heck is he but he does looked familiar and his voice... But who?

     “I don't think you will remember me when I changed my hairstyle.” He smiled sheepishly as he ran his fingers through his messy hair. He stretched out his other hand and flashed a familiar smile.

     “I'm Richard! The gang police!” He said chuckling. Then everything clicked. No wonder why he looked so familiar! I smiled and looked him up and down.

     “Uncle Richard, you looked different! You looked more... fashion?” I giggled when he grumbled. He was wearing his police uniform but he looked more tidy. The last time we saw him, his hair was sticking out everywhere and his uniform were not iron but he's serious when it comes to his shift or job.

Hey! It's been awhile since I've posted my story! Sorry for taking so long to upload this chapter. I went to a camp that was organized by my religion. So I just wrote what I had in mind and I'm sorry for this boring chapter. I'm tired after all the fun and activities we had. So I'll try my best to upload!! =)






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