Chapter 14 (Alex p.o.v)

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“Wakey dokey Lex.” I grumbled and buried my face deeper in my pillow and pulled the comforter tighter around my body. What the hell... Why did you call me so early in the morning on Saturday.. Suddenly the comforter was ripped from my body. I moaned in protest. I heard my brothers laughed and they picked me up and threw me over their shoulder.

“Come on Lex.” Ron complained. I groaned but opened my eyes anyway. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and blinked. Josh and Lily got a big smile plastered on their face with their hands behind them. They grinned at each other and Max stood behind them smiling.

“Morning sissy.” They sang. I raised an eyebrown at them. What are they doing?

“Morning. What are you guys...” I trailed looking at Josh and Lily. They giggled and shoved their hands out, revealing a rectangular box with pretty blue wrapping. From the look off the wrapping, I knew it's Josh and Lily's doing. I just stared at them as they walked towards me and shoved the box to me.

“Just open it.” Ron said. I didn't question them and slowly unwrapped the wrapping. When I finished opening the wrapping, I gasped. I can't believe it, they've bought me a Iphone4 with my favourite limited dagger phone cover! I squealed and hugged my silblings. I hugged Max and Ron tightly as they chuckled and padded my back. I kissed Josh and Lily's cheek and thanked them for wrapping my present.

“Why get me a present? My brithday is not here yet..” I stated.

“Well, we just wanted to get you something.” Ron and Max shrugged, avoiding my eyes. I stared at the Iphone 4. They felt guilty for not being here for all this years. I placed the phone on the table and I hugged them again. They did nothing at first but when I was about to pull back, they wrapped their arms tightly around my waist. I smiled against their chest.

“I wanna hug!” Lily complained. We laughed and scooped them in our arms and we hugged again. Our cheek were touching each others cheek. Josh and Lily snuggled into us and we laughed since it's ticklish. We fooled around and we came up with a decision. We will have a family day out.

“Sooo.....where will we go?” Josh asked.

“The gaming arena!” Ron suggested. Lily frowned and rolled her eyes.

“The waterpark!” Max suggested, his eyes lit up like a little boy.

“Nope. I'm scared that I'll get a cold.” Josh shook his head.

“Uh.... The amusement park?” Max suggested again.

“Noooo! I'm scared of getting lost again.” Josh and Lily exclaimed.

“Soo.... Where?” They looked each other and frowned. I noticed I haven't suggest yet so I cleared my throat. Their head snapped up.

“The place we used to go.. The park.” I said. Josh and Lily's eyes lit up immediately and they started to bounce around like a ball. Max and Ron smiled.

“The park that's it.” Josh and Lily nodded their head eagerly. The park is our favourite spot. Mom and dad used to bring us to the park and pushed us on the swings. We even took lots of photos to remember everything. Our memories. If you really go through our photos, you will see most of our face were plastered with smile. But everything stopped when they're gone.

“Twinkle twinkle little star...” Lily sang while her head moved to the left and right. Josh looked at her childishly but sang with her anyway. I smiled and took out my phone and snapped their pictures. They smiled, showing their cute dimples. Max and Ron complained for not snapping their pictures and stuff.

We reached the park and the kids didn't hesitate to run for it. They squealed and played the swings. I watched as they played and laughed happily, running around and chased the other kids. They played the sand box, making Max and Ron's face but failed eventually.. I felt that there's someone following us but I just shrugged it off.

I took a few pitures of us playing and truth to be told, everything felt like it went back to normal again. Max and Ron pulled me to the swing and pushed me. I felt childish but I don't care.. I laughed and swung my leg. Max and Ron became their normal self, commenting the look of the other kids. I giggled when Ron commented a woman, saying her teeth are too big, making her a bad kisser.

Josh and Lily came to us and I put them on my lap. I took my phone and raised it up, snapping a picture with the five of us. I smiled at our picture. Max's finger were behind Ron's head and making a peace sign while Ron were doing some weird and funny faces. Josh and Lily were smiling brightly while I.. just smiled. I swiped my fingers across the screen and set the picture as my wallpaper.

We played for a few more hours until Josh and Lily were wore out. We went to our favourite dinner place again, Seafood Lala. The manager, Lala was our friend. When we stepped in, her face beamed with happiness and excitement. She clapped her hand and waitress and waiters started running around. I laughed at th scene. Lala looked so anxious and worried but we trusted her. Her food's the best.

After a few minutes, our favourite food were placed infront of us. Our mouth watered and we digged in, thanking Lala. She just smiled at us politely and nodded her head. She even made a few conversation with us and thanked gosh she didn't ask the hard questions. We ate silently, enjoying the moment we shared together.

I wish nothing would change. I would die for this moment and family.

(Max p.o.v)

“You bring her upstairs I bring Josh and Lily.” I said as I watched Ron carried Alex bridal style. She snuggled into his back and snored a little. We chukled and I grabbed Josh and Lily, walking into their room. I kicked the door opened silently, not wanting to wake Josh and Lily. I placed them down on their bed, walking out of the room not before putting on a blanket on them.

Before I could met Ron, he appeared infront of me, making pose like a genne. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the room. When I was about to close our younger siblings' room..

“Max..? Ron..?” Josh yawned. We turned to him. He was rubbing his eyes with his knuckles. We walked towards him and sat down, ruffling his dark amburn hair. He yawned again and snuggled into Ron's lap. Then he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. We watched each other, wondering what made Josh awake at this moment?

“I'm glad you guys were back.. Sissy needed you guys to protect her. She looked tired, hungry, stress and she would always came back with bruises. I love sissy so please... don't go Max, Ron....” He whispered before falling into deep sleep. Ron and I frowned at each other.


What the hell happened while we're gone?

Ohh.. Busted. Josh told them. Sooo... what do you think will happen next? Stay with me for the next chapter!






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