Chapter 8 (Alex p.o.v)

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     “Wake up hon..” Someone caressed my cheek. I squirmed and I slowly opened my eyes. The touch seemed so familiar.. I blinked my eyes and my gaze fell on Jenny. Her brown wavey hair fell perfectly on her shoulder and her beautiful dark blue eyes stared at me. Her eyes... that I missed so much. I smiled weakly at her as she stroked my hair.

Then questions started to form. Why am I here? Who brought me here? How the guys knew that I knew Jenny? From Jenny's eyes, she knew what I was thinking.. She smiled warmly at me.

“Damien, Anthony and Issac's my son.” My eyes showed confusion then realization. She told me before that she had three son. One pair of twins and one son. My eyes widen. Damien and Anothony!! They're twins! I gasped a little and bolted up from the bed.

“Damien and Anthony are twins!?” Jenny's smile widen and nodded her head. My hand went to my forehead and I rubbed it a little. Jenny's smile flattered a bit before asking.

“Why? Is it bad?” She asked in a small voice. If I didn't know her, I would think that she's younger than me. I shook my head immediately and shook my hand.

“No no! That's not what I mean. I mean yes, I was shocked. I could accept the fact that their brothers but twins? That's new. I mean.. they don't even looked alike!” I exclaimed. She stared at me and a smile lit up her face, nodding her head in understandment. Then we heard a knock. When the door was opened, a little figure came in running so fast that I don't have time to register who is it before I was tackled to the floor.

I looked down to my waist, laying flat on the floor and found Issac, Jenny's youngest son looking up at me with a toothy smile. I mentally awwed and he looked so cute with his dimples showing. I smiled and picked him up, picking myself up too. This is the little guy that I saved from him....

“Hey little guy.” I said smiling, ruffling his hair. He giggled and played with my hair when I bounced him with my arms. Kids made me forget everything. Then Josh and Lily ran in and tackled me into another hug. They looked like they just cried. I opened my arms and they didn't hesistate to jump into my arms.

“Issac is same age as Josh. He is the little guy that you saved.” Jenny said with a pretty smile. My eyes drifted to Damien and Anthony. They looked so confused and I felt bad for hiding the truth from them when I knew theirs... Jenny touched my shoulder and gave me a small squeeze.

“You ready to tell?” She asked. I gave her a weak smile and nodded. Jenny asked the twins to call their gang. They didn't questioned their mom and agreed. I think it's because what happened to them. The guy ruined their childhood. I caressed the kids cheek as they giggled and played with my fingers.

“I'm Issac.” Issac said with a blush. I smiled and stroked his hair. He looked so much like Jenny. I hoped.. She's happy with the new guy. She looked more happier and she's glowing with happiness. She's healthier. I smiled at her when she opened the door with a big smile, gesturing the guys to come in.

When the guys saw me, they bombared me with questions. I didn't reply, I just stayed quiet as I watched Jenny calmed them down. They shot us curious look, especially Damien and Anthony. Things got quiet as Jenny grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

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