Chapter 4

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Before I got into my car, I snatched a poor girl from the street. She had to have been in her late twenties or so. I compelled her to not be afraid. She sat in the front seat beside me. We were on our way to the abandoned house where Elijah was 'killed' in Richmond, Virginia. As we drove, I spoke to the girl.

"So, what's your name love?" After the longest silence, I asked the blonde girl sat beside me as I focused on the road.

"Ella, and you are?" She asked as she turned to face me.

I smiled, my eyes darting towards her, "Alexandria, but everyone calls me Alex."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see her nod.

"Why have you taken me? Where are we going?" Ella suddenly questions after seconds of silence.

"Well, I am going to fetch a friend of mine and he will need a snack. You will serve as his snack. Plus, I wanted company because I have important things on my mind I must discus," I spoke plainly, watching her from the corner of my eye.

She furrows her eyebrows, "Why will he snack on me?" Ella looked at me with frightened, gold eyes.

"Because we are vampires, Love," I stated with a smirk.

She gasps and I turn to her, compelling her, "Do not be afraid, there is no need. We will not kill you."

I see her visibly loosen up. Satisfied, I turn back to the road with a nod as she turns to the window.

"Well, what is on your mind?" Ella inquired with a raised eyebrow, still looking out the window.

"I fear my brother has been keeping things from me, important things," I sighed, leaning back in my seat.

"Why?" She asks, turning her gaze from the window to me.

After a second of thought, I say, "Well, my friend Elena was kidnapped by another vampire who is also my friend, Rose. Turns out, Rose was going to give Elena to my old friend, Elijah, as a bargaining tool. Luckily, before it could happen, my other friends, Stefan and Damon, saved Elena. Today, my brother was meeting with Elena, Damon, and Stefan. I think he is helping them behind my back."

"That is a lot of friends," Ella states with a soft chuckle.

I nod my head, chuckling with her, "When you are hundred of years old, you make many friends."

"Whoa," Ella breathes out with widened eyes.

"Anyways, how is it bad that your brother is helping your friends?" Ella questions.

"Because he knows of Elijah and my past. He doesn't want me to get in touch with him again because he doesn't want be to get hurt. He believes Elijah and his family are the cause of my suffering," I say, rolling my eyes at the end.

After a second of silence, she asks her millionth question, "Well, what path do you share with Elijah?"

"You sure ask a lot of questions, Ella," I say, raising an eyebrow at her with a grin.

She shrugs, "Well you said you wanted to talk about it. From what I can see, you want my feedback or advice. In order for me to do so, I have to know the full story."

I think about her words, then nod, "Alright. Elijah was one of my greatest friends--no, best friend, well apart from Rebekah--in 1,001 A.D."

I paused, wanting to see her reaction. She gapes at me, eyes widened, mouth hanging. She regains her composure and clears her throat, "Continue."

With a smirk, I proceed, "He became a vampire, as did his family who I was also quite close with. I became very ill and would not survive. Elijah's sister, Rebekah, turned my brother because they were in love. Elijah's younger brother, Klaus, was going to turn my twin sister but she hated vampires. My Love also planned on turning me but he didn't because they left. The whole family vanished because they were on the run from their father. They left me when I was dying. My brother ended up changing me and we ran together. For two centuries, we searched for them but we never found them until the 1700s. Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah were searching for Rose and Trevor who were my friends at the time. They drove Rose and Trevor away from New Orleans and found me. My brother left me because he could not stand the fact that Rebekah had fallen for another man. I stayed with Rebekah, Elijah, and Klaus. When I found out Klaus had daughter Kol, I mourned. Elijah had become closer with me. He comforted me and we eventually became an item. Klaus grew jealous over Elijah because he was close with me and Marcellus, a boy Klaus took in as his own. Klaus undaggered Kol so they could hang out while Elijah was with Klaus's adoptive child. He also undaggered Kol so I would leave Elijah for him. I did and then Elijah and Klaus daggered him. I ran away and I have not seen them since then." My smirk had disappeared, replaced with teary eyes and a frown.

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now