{5} : "Can I Have This Dance?"

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Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to @thedirectionerchick for taking out time to read my story and voting for it! <3 And also for her long but very nice comment that made my day! :D 

{5} : "Can I Have This Dance?"

As I was about to exit the kitchen, I bumped into someone. I screamed. Suddenly, the lights were on and I could see the person who was standing in front of me.

It was Ashton.

I put my hand on my chest. My heart was beating really fast. I thought that a killer had come to kill me, just like how they show in movies! Thank God, it's only Ashton!

He came towards me, held my arms and asked, "Rachael, are you alright?" He was concerned about me.

I nodded my head and said, "Yeah."

"What are you doing here in the kitchen at this hour?" he asked.

"I was feeling thirsty and I came here to drink water," I told him.

"You could've switched on the lights," he said.

"I know but I wasn't able to find the switch because of the darkness."

"Okay," he said. "Let me leave you back to your room."

We both went together to my room. When I was settled in my bed, Ashton said, "Rachael, if you need anything then let me know. My room is just next to your room."

"Okay," I nodded and smiled at him.

"Goodnight," Ashton said and smiled.

"Goodnight," I said to him.

And he switched off the lights.


Next day...

I heard my name being called by a familiar and sexy voice. "Rachael, Rachael."

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing that I saw was Ashton's face.

He said something to me but I didn't listen to him because I was busy looking at his lips. The way his lips were moving was hypnotizing.

"Rachael?" he asked.

"Yeah?" I said in my sweetest voice.

Ashton smiled at me, "Michael is on the phone," he said and I was back from my dreamland. He handled me his phone.

I took the phone from him and sat on my bed. I put the phone near my ear and said to Michael, "Yo."

At this, Ashton and Michael both laughed. I looked at Ashton. He looks so good when he's laughing!

"Hey dude," Michael said to me, trying to talk "gangsta" with me. "So, you were still sleeping?"

"Yes," I answered.

"At least wake up on time when you're living at someone else's house," my brother said.

"I thought to wake up early but I wasn't able to," I told him.

"And where is your phone? I tried calling you but you weren't picking up. So, I called on Ashton's phone," Michael asked.

"I think that my phone is in silent mode," I said.

"Okay. Now get up lazy head. Do you realize that it's twelve in the afternoon?" he asked.

"What?! Did I sleep that late?" I asked. When I was sleeping, I thought that I had time.

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