{14} : "Hearing You Curse Is Quite Amusing."

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{14} : "Hearing You Curse Is Quite Amusing."

Ashton looked at the rearview mirror and said, "Shit!"

Why would he curse?

I tried to look at the rearview mirror but from where I was sitting, I couldn't see a thing. I turned around in my seat to look back.

I saw that three black cars were chasing us. I quickly turned back and the only thing I could say was "Shit."

Ashton looked at me with an amused expression.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Have you forgotten that we're in danger?" I asked him.

He tried to suppress his laughter. "Hearing you curse is quite amusing," he said.

"I'm glad that I can be amusing," I told him.

He looked at the rearview mirror again and said, "Let's go fast and furious on them."

He started driving at an even faster speed. I literally had to grab my seat to prevent myself from flying across the windscreen.

With the increase in our car's speed, the speed of the three black cars also increased.

An intersection came. The traffic light was showing red. I know that red is a signal to stop but I didn't really care about that right now. We were in danger.

Ashton passed the red light in such a great speed that if we had been late even for one second, the truck coming from the other road, would've smashed into our car.

As we passed that truck, I turned around to see that the truck had stopped in the centre of the intersection. Also, I couldn't see the black cars that were chasing us because the truck was blocking my view.

I hope it gives us extra time to escape.

I turned back to face the windscreen. Ashton was still driving in high speed. We had travelled more distance now.

"I think we left them behind," Ashton said while looking at the rearview mirror. Relief washed over me. We were out of danger.

For now.

I wanted to ask a lot of questions from him but I decided to keep my mouth shut. Michael told me that Ashton will tell me everything when we reach a safe place.

Where is this safe place anyway?

Ashton was now driving on a road between trees. Are we in a forest? We were travelling more into the forest. We turned a corner and were heading to a lonely house.

That's the safe place?

Ashton parked the car in front of the house and got out. I too got out. He opened the door of the backseat and took out our suitcases. He carried them to the house.

As I looked at the house, I couldn't stop but wonder, what is a house doing in the middle of a forest?

"Aren't you coming in?" Ashton asked.

I was so into my thoughts that I didn't realize that he had opened the door and had kept the suitcases inside. He was holding out the door for me to enter.

Without saying anything, I entered the house. The house was same as Ashton's apartment but was smaller. There was minimum furniture. The house was cozy.

I sat on the couch. Ashton sat beside me.

"So, this is the part where I tell you everything," Ashton started saying. "The things that I'm going to tell you will shock you. But hear me out till the end, okay?"

I nodded.

He took a deep breath. "Here we go. From your childhood, you've been told that your parents died in a car accident. But that's not the truth. Your parents didn't die in a car accident. They were murdered."

"Ashton, stop joking," I told him. "My parents died in a car accident. Why would anyone want to kill them? They didn't even have enemies."

"Yes, they did. Rachael, things were being kept from you. And now is the time that you should know the truth. Your parents were secret agents. They worked for a secret organization named Special Squad, who assists many government organizations."

"It doesn't make sense," I said. What's up with the "secret agent" crap?

"It will make sense when you know everything," he said. He continued to tell the story, "There were traitors in the Special Squad who used to give useful information to the enemy organization. There was a chip that had names of all the traitors working in Special Squad encoded in it and your parents were able to get that chip from the enemy organization. They were on the way of getting the chip to our headquarters but were killed."

"No, they weren't killed. They died in a car accident," I said, more to myself. I know that Ashton was telling the truth but I didn't wanted to believe him.

"I know it's hard for you to hear all this but-"

I interrupted him, "Does Michael know?"

"Yes, he knows. He came to know when he was eighteen, the time he joined Special Squad. He's a secret agent and so am I."

"Why did you keep all this from me?" I asked. Knowing the truth behind my parents' death, about Michael and Ashton being secrets agents was too much for me.

"To keep you safe," he answered.

"What's the relation between keeping secrets from me and keeping me safe? It sounds so absurd."

"Michael didn't wanted you to know about your parents' death. He didn't wanted to hurt you."

"Do I looking happy now after knowing the truth?" I asked. A tear escaped my eye. Knowing that my parents were murdered was just too harsh for me. And it hurts even more for me to know that Michael was hiding such a big thing from me!

I just broke down in front of Ashton. I started crying with all my might. I was finding it very difficult to endure the pain that I was feeling.

Ashton couldn't see me crying anymore so he pulled me towards him. And now, I was crying on his shoulder while he ran his hand on my back, trying to soothe me.

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