{13} : What Is Going On?

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{13} : What Is Going On?

Next day...

Hearing the sound of the TV, I woke up. Is Ashton awake? I rose from my bed, unlocked the door and went to the sitting room.

I saw Ashton sitting on the couch, watching TV. Well, he wasn't exactly watching TV. It seemed that he was thinking about something.

I went near the couch. He must've sensed my presence because he looked up at me.

"Rachael, why did you wake up so early?" Ashton asked me.

I looked at him. He looked so tired and he had dark circles under his eyes. "Ashton, were you awake the whole night?"

"Yeah. How do you know?"

I was about to tell him about the dark circles under his eyes but I stopped when my gaze fell on the table.

There was a pistol on the table.

"Ashton, what is a pistol doing on the table?" I asked, fear evident in my voice. I was scared the moment I saw the pistol!

"Rachael, I," he started to say but he saw something behind me. He became alert.

"Rachael, move!" he shouted as he pushed me aside. I fell on the floor. I heard a gunshot. I covered my ears instantly.

I saw Ashton picking the pistol from the table and he fired a bullet. I heard the bullet hitting something and then something fell on the floor with a thud.

I saw Ashton exiting the room with the pistol still in his hand. I uncovered my ears. I was so frightened that when I was on my feet, I was shaking badly.

What is going on?

I slowly started walking and exited the room. When I was out of the room, I saw Ashton. He was looking at the floor. I followed his gaze and saw that a man, covered in black clothing from head to toe, was lying on the floor. There was a gun near his hand.

I could also see that there was a wound on his chest. When I looked more closely, I saw that a bullet had hit him. He was shot!

I looked at Ashton and slowly-slowly started to walk away from him. "You have a gun in your hand and there's a man lying on the floor. What's going on?" I became scared of Ashton.

"Rachael, I had to kill him otherwise he would've killed you," Ashton explained.

"But why would he kill me?" I asked.

"I'll tell you everything but for now, we need to get out of here. We are in danger," he told me. "Pack your things."

When I didn't move an inch, Ashton said, "Rachael, we have no time. Pack your things quickly. The enemies will be reaching here any moment."

"I'm not going with you," I said. How could I? He just killed someone for God's sake!

There were tears in my eyes. Maybe because I was scared of the person standing before me. That person seemed like a stranger to me now.

Ashton dropped the pistol and came towards me. I, immediately backed away from him.

"Rachael, trust me. I won't hurt you if that's what you're thinking. I love you. I can never think of hurting you," he said and was waiting for my response.

When I didn't respond, he later added, "And I won't let anyone hurt you."

He took out his phone from his jeans and made a call. "Michael, we've been attacked. I killed a man and Rachael is scared of me now. Please tell her to do as I say." After speaking, Ashton gave me the phone.

I took his phone and put it near my ear.

"Rachael?" That voice belonged to Michael! "I know you are scared but you'll have to get out of there now! Please listen to Ashton. He won't hurt you. He'll take you to a safe place and he'll tell you everything. You need to get going!"

With saying that, he hung up. I gave back Ashton his phone and looked at him. By looking at him, I knew one thing. He won't ever hurt me.

I rushed to my room and started packing the necessary things and stuffed them inside the suitcase. I heard Ashton doing the same thing in his room. I had packed all my things in less than thirty seconds! After all, I was told that I'm in danger.

Ashton and I emerged from our rooms at the same time. He, too, had a suitcase with him, just like me. He held my free hand with his free hand and we rushed out of the apartment.

Ashton was alert all the time. He kept looking around to see that the coast was clear, that it was safe for us.

We reached his car. Ashton took my suitcase and his suitcase and kept them in the backseat. We quickly got inside the car. Ashton started his car and the car roared to life. And we drove off in haste.

This was the first time that Ashton was driving in high speed. And honestly, it scared me. I looked out of the window. Everything was blur. That's how fast Ashton was driving!

There were few cars on the road and we were passing by them quickly. Ashton kept looking at the rearview mirror.

His eyes were moving from the rearview mirror to the windscreen and then back to the mirror. How was he even able to drive with his eyes, both on the rearview mirror and the windscreen at the same time and in such high speed?

I hope we don't crash into a car.

Ashton looked at the rearview mirror and said, "Shit!"

Why would he curse?

I tried to look at the rearview mirror but from where I was sitting, I couldn't see a thing. I turned around in my seat to look back.

I saw that three black cars were chasing us. I quickly turned back and the only thing I could say was "Shit."

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