{10} : I Can't Just Sleep On Someone's Chest!

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{10} : I Can't Just Sleep On Someone's Chest!

I told Ashton, "There's one thing we can do."

"What?" asked Ashton.

I said to him, "We can sleep together."

"WHAT!?!?" he exclaimed in shock.

I wondered that why he was shocked. Then, I realized what I had just said.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" I started defending myself. "I didn't mean it in that way." After hearing me, Ashton seemed to relax.

I slowly said to him, "What I meant to say was that we can share our blankets."

Ashton looked at me as if I had grown ten heads. Okay, that was too much of exaggeration. He shook his head. "That would be so inappropriate."

"Ashton, we'll just be sharing blankets. There's nothing wrong in that," I told him. I exited his room and went to my room to get all the blankets.

After getting all the blankets, I exited the room and went to Ashton's room. I put all the blankets on the bed. I, then, lay on the double-sized bed beside Ashton. He watched me, speechless. I was lying on the far left side of the bed and he was lying on the far right side, so there was lot of space between us. So that there would be no possible body contact.

I put all the blankets over us and turned my face away from Ashton. He switched off the lights. When the lights were off, I heard Ashton move under the blankets. I tried to turn around quietly as possible but I knew that I was making lot of noise.

When I finally turned around, I saw that Ashton's back was towards me. I really wanted to touch him! Okay, I really need to control myself. Sleeping on the same bed with him doesn't mean that I can touch him. He would totally freak out!

So I decided to close my eyes and sleep.


Next morning...

Ashton's POV


I felt as if something was on my chest. I opened my eyes and realized that Rachael's head was on my chest. She had wrapped her arms around me and I too had wrapped my arms around her. Her leg was wrapped around my waist.

How did we manage to be in such a position? As far as I can remember, there was so much space between us last night, then how did we come this close to each other?

Rachael was sleeping peacefully in my arms, breathing steadily. I moved her hair from her face. And now I was staring at her beautiful face.

God, she's so beautiful!

Even if her hair looked like a mess, she still looked beautiful. She looked like an angel.

My angel.

She was in my arms and I was feeling a need to protect her, to keep her safe from all the dangers of the world. As I looked at her peaceful face, I felt guilty. Guilty of keeping secrets from her.

If she comes to know what "job" I do, then she would probably hate me for keeping such a secret from her. And I don't want her to hate me.

Because I like her. I really, really, REALLY like her! I can't even think about living my life without her.

Last night, when we slept together on the same bed, I was so happy! I felt as if I was on cloud nine!

But even if we slept on the same bed, I didn't get an opportunity to touch her! Actually, I had lots of opportunities to touch her, but I didn't want to take advantage of the situation. And when we are talking about "touching", I mean in a good way, not like violating her.

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