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Nobody's POV

"Oh my god!!" Gabi screamed at the sight.

Everyone ran downstairs to see what was wrong. Gabi opened the door wider so they could see why she was screaming. They all look to see a beat up Nakya.

Jace shook his head and walked away he didn't really care about Nakya. Alex picked her up and brought her in the house.

"How the fuck do shit like this get past the guards?" Jace thought pulling his phone out calling King.

"Someone left a note on the door" Gabi said grabbing the note.

"Read it" Janae demanded.

"Nae I'm coming for yo ass, the games have just began. You wanna turn your back on me after everything we've been through! My team is getting bigger and stronger ion think you're ready for me Janae. I know everything about you babygirl and I have someone on my team that you'll love to meet. And um why would you leave little Justice upstairs by herself by the time you finish reading this she'll be gone. To get her back turn yourself in. Until then she's mine and we're gonna kill all of you one by one it will be unexpected. Love your exbestie SHAMIYAH!!" Gabi read making everyone's eyes widen.

Janae and Keith ran upstairs to see Justice gone Janae cried in Keith's chest they walked downstairs. Keith was furious.

Janae POV

Ima kill that dumb bitch like on everything I won't stop till I know she's dead. She has Justice like what type of shit is that!

This bitch is on something, she has to be like this bitch is fucking crazy but I'm fucking beyond crazy this bitch is mine.

Why would you bring a baby into this? I love that little girl like she's mine. Me and Keith have been taking great care of her since he took her.

"I have to turn myself in" I told everyone making their heads snap.

"No you don't" Keith said hugging me tight.

"Yes I do Keith!! What about Justice? What is she gonna do to her? This is all my fault" I said pushing him away.

"We have to make up a plan or something, I already called pops and told him what happened he'll know what to do just chill ain't nobody going nowhere" Jace said rubbing his head.

"Ok so um what about her?" Chris said pointing to a dead looking Nakya I forgot she was even here.

"Oh shit we have to take her to the hospital I'll call my dad and tell him to come to the hospital. One of y'all bring her to the car hurry up!" I said grabbing my keys.


"Nakya is doing fine her right arm well wrist is broken and so is her nose she has cuts and bruises on her arms and legs she'll be able to leave in like three days because we have to run some more tests mainly on her head seems like she has a major concussion, you can go see her if you want she's in room 238" The doctor informed us and we nodded.

"All of us need to go in there she might tell us wassup with Shamiyah and what she has planned" I told everyone standing up.

They all nodded their head and followed me to her room she sat there watching tv "Wassup y'all" Nakya weakly said.

"Girl ain no 'wassup y'all' what happened to you?" I asked sitting on the bed.

"Shamiyah had her guards do this to me, she's mad because I didn't wanna be in her gang anymore, I told her I wasn't with what she was tryna do to y'all. Shamiyah is getting dangerous like on some real shit. Three bitches come everyday to join the gang. Her gang is full of girls not no weak bitches tho, either they have a problem with you or King" She told us drinking some of her water.

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