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Janae POV

We were all sitting at the table, Gabi was just eating a salad, she's been quiet all day, everybody's been quiet. I didn't see DJ today and I'm glad because I don't know how to tell him about Keith.

I know DJ likes me and I don't wanna hurt his feelings. He's a real cool dude but I told him from the jump that I didn't wanna get into anything serious.

He posts me almost every Wednesday and makes me his woman crush. He's really sweet but he comes off as obsessive a little bit.

"Why everybody so quiet?" I asked breaking the silence. Nobody said anything and I grew annoyed.

"Alex?" I said calling his name he looked up and his eyes were red and watery. "Oh no get y'all shit and lets go, now" I said standing up.

Everyone got up and we headed out. A few minutes later we pulled up to my house, me and Jace decided to keep my dads house, we just couldn't give it up.

Aleria's car was in the driveway and so was Jace car. We all got out the car and I got my key and unlocked the door, as soon as we walked inside all you could hear was moaning. "Y'all nasty!!" I screamed making a stink face.

"Shut up!" They both yelled at the same time. All of us laughed I looked at them and made them shut up quick.

"Oh now y'all wanna laugh and smile, get y'all ass in the meeting room" I said mugging all of them except Keith because nothing was wrong with him.

We all walked in the meeting room and sat down. "Alex bubby, what's wrong?" I asked Alex standing next to him.

"Um, shit just hard right now, I gotta take care of my fucking family by myself, I don't know where the fuck my mama at, matter of fact my little sis and bro finna get out of school right now I gotta go" He said quickly getting up and walking out.

I called after him but he was already gone, I sighed and sat down, I looked at Gabi and she looked sad too. "Gabi, what's wrong?" I asked as my face softened. I don't like seeing the people I love upset, it hurts me.

"I-I'm pregnant" She said barely above a whisper but loud enough for us to hear. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth.

"You're what?" We all said in unison.

"By who?" Keith asked and I looked at him like he was stupid. Who the fuck else would she be pregnant by?

"That cheating ass nigga over there" She said pointing to Dre. His mouth hung open and his face turned red. "I'm sorry but I gotta go" Dre said walking out the door.

As soon as the door shut Gabi started crying, I went over to hug her and she cried even harder. "He's not gonna help me, I gotta do this shit by myself, and when my mom finds out she's gonna kill me" she says crying in my arms

"Everything's gonna be ok, I'm sure he'll man up and take care of you and the baby and if he doesn't you have us" I said holding her tight.

I hate that this happened to her, I'm not upset that she's pregnant but I'm upset that Dre handled the situation like that.

"Anybody else got some news they wanna share?" Keith asked sighing.

"Nae, you know when we had that talk about my girlfriend back where I use to live?" Chris spoke up and I turned my attention over to him.

"Yeah I remember what about her?" I asked turning his way.

"She's moving down here with me and we're gonna start over" he said smiling a little.

Thuggin (Urban)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara