1. Judar

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Pain radiates from around my wrists as the mans grip tightens. My face contorts in pain as he chuckles, "I'm glad we found you Princess (Y/N), you sure didn't make this easy on us."

My eyes bore into his as they turn cold, "I made it hard for a reason."

He rolls his eyes, and throws me into the dark room, as the door slams shut behind me. With a clank, a bar on the outside of the door falls into place, locking me inside.

Dammit. I was so careful, and yet they managed to capture me...

I stand in the pitch black room, then slowly crouch to the ground, bringing my knees beneath me. I have to make a plan and escape. I can't let them take me back to-

Suddenly, the door opens to reveal a man whom I've never seen before. His red eyes look over me, and his lips curl into a threatening smirk. Disheveled black hair moves with him as he turns his back on me, "You'd better follow me Princess. That is, unless you'd like to return to that hellish country of yours."

I shake my head furiously as I scramble to my feet, following the stranger out of the room, and into the stone floored hallway. My eyes follow the movements of his bare feet, as he leads me away. Hopefully, his intentions are good... Although, I suppose anything is better than staying there and being forced to return.

I can't deny the nagging feeling that this man has something sinister planned. The dark aura radiating off of him makes it hard to believe otherwise. Nevertheless, I blindly follow him.

"Who are you?" I ask, my voice echoing through the empty hallway.

He turns back to face me, his red eyes staring at me challengingly, "Wouldn't you like to know."

I dismiss his strange reply, and shift my attention to what's around me. I listen carefully, trying to determine if more men are coming.

"Don't worry about those guys, I took care of them already," he laughs, "They didn't make for a fun fight though."

"Y-You took them all out?" I ask, staring at the man in shock. There were at least five of those men guarding this place. All of whom appeared to be skilled in combat. They defeated me easily, I didn't stand a chance...

Finally, we make it to a doorway, and the man pushes open the door, which lets in a warm night breeze. I enjoy it for a moment, before rushing to catch up.

The man stops, and I come to stand beside him, as we both look up and down the dirty alleyway.

"Listen, (Y/N) was it?" He asks, staring straight ahead.

"Yes?" I return, finding it unfair the man knows my name, yet I know nothing about him in return.

"Would you like these people to stop coming after you forever?" He questions, a sinister grin playing on his lips.

I'm silent for a moment, curious about what his meaning is, "How would you do that?"

"Yes or no? We don't have long before they come, so don't make me wait." He grumbles, bringing a hand to his forehead in agitation.

"Yes." I answer, my voice faltering, as I worry about what I've just agreed to.

"In that case, round the corner over there and open the first door to your left."

I linger for a moment, wondering if this man is serious, and what the hell he's planning.

"Go." He demands, his tone sharp and cold.

Nodding, I follow his directions running straight to the safe house without looking back once.


That same figure steps within the dimly lit room I've been hiding in for the past hour. As he enters, I rise to meet him, my eyes searching his for any clue of what happened.

"We can go now Princess, I've handled everything." He smirks turning on his heel.

"What did you do?" I ask, my voice begging for the answer to the question. The same question which has occupied my thoughts since I arrived here.

He shrugs plainly before answering, "I simply faked your death. You can thank me later, we should head home now."

"Who are you?" I demand, as my fists clench.

"The names Judar," he glowers, "Now may we leave?"

"Wait, why-" I start, but the gaze he shoots me, causes my mouth to clamp shut.

"I'm tired of the questions, either come with me or I'll kill you for wasting my time." He tells me, as he starts to walk back out the door.

Running a thumb over my lip in thought, I realize I don't have any choice but to go with him. If he could take on all of these people, there's no way I could defeat him. Judar, just what do you want with me? Who are you really? And why go through all this trouble for me?

I shake my head, as my sanity returns to me, and I chase after him. I can't dwell on what I cannot change. For now, I'll find out all I can about Judar.

Then I can escape, and find him. The one person I've longed to see the most in all of these years on the run. Sinbad.

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